Ninja Forms - File Uploads Addon 3.3.16

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Download Ninja Forms - File Uploads Addon 3.3.16 from nulled fire. Easily add file upload fields with Ninja Forms so you can save files to your server.

* Fatal error: Cannot redeclare pcntl_signal() on some install

* Select File button not working on Internet Explorer 11 still

* You can now use mergetags in the 'Rename Uploaded File' field setting
* Different mergetags for File Upload fields can now be selected, eg. {field:my_field_key:link}
* New mergetag for the filename of the file, eg. {field:my_field_key:filename}
* New mergetags for when the file has been added to the media library, eg. {field:my_field_key:attachment_url}, {field:my_field_key:attachment_embed}


* Ability to set Amazon key and secret and other settings as constants: 'NF_FU_AMAZON_S3_ACCESS_KEY' and 'NF_FU_AMAZON_S3_SECRET_KEY'


* Nonce error when submitting a form on a page that has been cached
* Fatal error caused when running UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy plugin