Download Novashare 1.5.0 from nulled fire. Novashare is a lightweight and fast social media sharing plugin.
* Added new option to control Image Pin Button Behavior with additional options to share the post image or show the image grid.
* Added new Image Grid Behavior option.
* Adjusted current share button behavior options to reflect image grid changes.
* Added share button support for Threads network.
* Added lodash dependancy to Pinterest block editor script in the admin.
* Fixed an undefined index warning coming from functions.php.
Added new configuration option to add a Mastodon Username which will be added to the content of the post when shared.
Added new open graph integration for Rank Math SEO.
Fixed an issue that was causing an empty share block to throw an error in the block editor after saving the post.
Fixed an issue where hidden Pinterest images were showing thumbnail resolution versions when shared.
Fixed an open graph issue with SEOPress integration that was using the wrong filters for the main title and description tags.
Fixed a typo in the inline SVG code for the X network.
Added new Custom option to Follow Button block along with controls to add your own inline SVG HTML and background color.
Added new Pinterest option to Always Show image pin buttons instead of only on hover.
Added additional Pinterest image pin styles to help with compatibility when placed inside aligned containers.
Fixed an issue with image pin button links not working with relative URLs.
Fixed an issue in the plugin settings UI where textarea inputs were not sizing down correctly.