Download Novashare 1.5.0 from nulled fire. Novashare is a lightweight and fast social media sharing plugin.
Added Mastodon network support for Share and Follow Buttons.
Added Threads network support for Follow Buttons.
Updated Pinterest recommended image size in post meta options.
Fixed an issue where the share window call to action was printing twice when set to a custom string.
Fixed a PHP warning from meta.php that was showing up on the comment edit screen.
Added the Novashare Migrator to work with latest AJAX changes to the settings UI.
Reworked the majority of the UI to use WordPress AJAX to save data and perform plugin actions.
Updated Twitter branding to X.
Fixed an issue where duplicate images on a page were getting Pinterest image hover buttons applied multiple times.
Fixed an issue where the main stylesheet was not getting loaded when using the Full Site Editor.
Fixed an issue where the Click to Post block was not showing up on a fresh install of the plugin.