Paid Memberships Pro - Custom Post Type 1.0.1

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Download Paid Memberships Pro - Custom Post Type 1.0.1 from nulled fire. This plugin will add the PMPro "Require Membership" meta box to all CPTs selected.
* ENHANCEMENT: Added compatibility with enhanced "Require Membership" block editor panel in PMPro 3.0. #23 (@dparker1005)
* BUG FIX: Fixed error where the "redirect to" setting may not be saved correctly. #24 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
* BUG FIX: Fixed PHP warning when using PHP 8+. #22 (@ipokkel)
* BUG FIX: Fixed text domain on for some strings. #18 (@dparker1005)
* SECURITY: Improved escaping of text strings.
* ENHANCEMENT: Wrapped strings for localization and generated a .pot file.
* ENHANCEMENT: Moved the PMPro CPT settings menu to show up under the Memberships menu.
* ENHANCEMENT: Better hint text on the settings page.
* BUG FIX: Avoiding fatal errors if PMPro is not active.
* BUG FIX: Fixed issue where users were redirected to the PMPro levels page even if the "Do Not Redirect" setting was chosen.
* BUG FIX: Fixed redirect issue when no CPTs were selected on the settings page but the is_singular check was still returning true.
* ENHANCEMENT: WordPress Coding Standards and Improved PHPDoc Blocs