Paid Memberships Pro - Donations 2.0

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Download Paid Memberships Pro - Donations 2.0 from nulled fire. Allow customers to set an additional donation amount at checkout.
* FEATURE: Donation levels can now have a "donation confirmation message" that will be shown on the confirmation page after a user donates. #64 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
* ENHANCEMENT: Order donation amounts are now stored in order meta. #66 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
* ENHANCEMENT: Added a new panel for "Donations Settings" when editing a membership level. #65 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
* ENHANCEMENT: Added the `pmpro_alter_price` class to donation fields at checkout to detect when the checkout level price changes. #70 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Improved the sanitization of some `$_REQUEST` variables. #68 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
* DEPRECATED: Donation amounts are no longer stored in order notes. Existing donation data in order notes will be gradually migrated to order meta as the donation data is accessed. #66 (@MaximilianoRicoTabo)
* BUG FIX: Resolved issue where !!donation!! email variable would not be replaced if user did not donate.