Paid Memberships Pro - Email Confirmation 0.7

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Download Paid Memberships Pro - Email Confirmation 0.7 from nulled fire. Require members to click a validation link in the confirmation email in order to verify membership.
* ENHANCEMENT: Improved integration with BuddyPress directories when using the PMPro BuddyPress Add On.
* ENHANCEMENT: Updating `<h3>` tags to `<h2>` tags for better accessibility.
* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now allowing users without a confirmed email address to cancel their membership.
* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Improved compatibility with PMPro Multiple Memberships Per User Add On.
* REFACTOR: No longer pulling checkout level from `$_REQUEST` variable.
* REFACTOR: Now using the function `get_option()` instead of `pmpro_getOption()`.
* SECURITY: Escaped text on front-end.
* BUG FIX: Fixed issue where manually added members were validated but treated as unvalidated members on the front-end.
* BUG FIX: Fixed grammar (spacing) issue for the email confirmation message.
* ENHANCEMENT: Added localization functionality, includes Afrikaans and English (UK) translations
* ENHANCEMENT: Added new filters to handle validation redirects for logged-in and logged-out users: `pmproec_logged_in_validate_redirect` and `pmproec_logged_out_validate_redirect` respectively.
* ENHANCEMENT: Added 'Resend Confirmation Email' to the Membership Account page.
* ENHANCEMENT: Added filter pmproec_extra_query_args to allow developers to add extra query args to the email confirmation link.
* ENHANCEMENT: Option added to revalidate user's if they change their email address - if an admin changes a user email user's won't need to validate their email again.
* ENHANCEMENT: Admins and users are able to resend the email confirmation at any point while the user's email is not validated.
* ENHANCEMENT: Resend email confirmation link added to the user's membership account page.
* ENHANCEMENT: Custom HTML email template for resending email confirmation requests.
* ENHANCEMENT: Integrates with Email Templates Admin Editor and uses !!validation_link!! shortcode available in the resend confirmation email template.
* ENHANCEMENT: Adjusted the method used to generate validation keys.
* BUG FIX: Removed PHP Notice error log entry.
* ENHANCEMENT: Support localization, includes master POT file.