Paid Memberships Pro - Pay by Check 0.12.1

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Download Paid Memberships Pro - Pay by Check 0.12.1 from nulled fire. A collection of customizations useful when allowing users to pay by check for Paid Memberships Pro levels.
* BUG FIX: Fixed an issue for sites running PMPro v3.0+ where recurring check orders could be created in pending status when the most recent order for a user wasn't a check order. #115 (@dparker1005)
* SECURITY: General improvements and sanitization of the codebase. (@andrewlimaza)
* BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where more than one order would be created mistakenly when there were different payment plans for a level. (@andrewlimaza, @dparker1005)
* BUG FIX: Fixed an issue with the "Address for Free & Offsite Levels" Add On would not show billing fields. (@JarrydLong)
* BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the `[pmpro_member]` shortcode would throw a warning in certain cases for Pay By Check members. (@JarrydLong)