Download Perfmatters 2.2.7 from nulled fire. This plugin adds an assortment of performance and speed improvements to your WordPress installation.
* Added Delay JS quick exclusion and REST route exception for WS Form.
* Adjusted built-in WooCommerce stylesheet exclusions for better compatibility.
* Updated and FastClick script names for ad blocker compatibility.
* Fixed a PHP 8.2 deprecated warning coming from the CSS class.
* Fixed a Script Manager CSS issue where certain disable controls weren't hiding correctly in some cases.
* Removed unnecessary .git directory from background processor library folder.
* Script Manager security updates to fix XSS vulnerability.
* Translation updates.
* Added Delay JS quick exclusions for Presto Player, Raptive Ads, Slickstream, and WP Recipe Maker.
* Added new WP-CLI command to clear used CSS with multisite support.
* Added support for Google Material Symbols and Icons to local font feature.
* Added support for excluding by no-lazy class to CSS Background Images.
* Added support for lazy loading the poster attribute when set for a video tag.
* Made adjustments to CSS class to allow for stylesheet's to be excluded by any portion of their attribute string.
* Made some styling improvements to the YouTube preview thumbnail play button on hover.
* Fixed an issue where delayed stylesheets would be loaded in twice if individual JS delay was also being used.
* Updated Google Analytics 4 minimal script to version 1.10.
* Translation updates.