Download Perfmatters 2.2.9 from nulled fire. This plugin adds an assortment of performance and speed improvements to your WordPress installation.
Added new Preloading section in the Extras tab, with new options for Instant Page and Preload.
Added new perfmatters_lazyload_forced_attributes filter to allow for matched elements to be skipped when checking for exclusions.
Added support for WooCommerce Shop page to show up as a Current URL option in the Script Manager.
Added exclusions for REST and AJAX requests to MU Mode function.
Fixed a bug that was causing the MU Mode function to still run even if the Script Manager was disabled.
Fixed an issue where images were being prepped for lazy loading on feed URLs.
Fixed an issue where lazy loading was breaking images in embeds from the same site.
Compatibility fixes for lazy load script with Autoptimize and Litespeed Cache.
Added support for lazy loading background images, iframes, and videos.
Added new lazy loading option to enable YouTube Preview Thumbnails.
Added multiple page builder exclusions to our lazy load functions.
Added proper support for 404 templates in the Script Manager (non-MU).
Fixed some minor styling issues in the Script Manager UI.
Fixed an undefined index in the database optimizer class.
Removed customer email row from the license tab.
Added new Database Optimization section in the Extras tab.
Added new DOM Monitoring option to complement our existing lazy load settings.
Added additional input styles in the Script Manager for better compatibility
Made some changes to the Script Manager file include process for better compatibility.
Fixed multiple undefined index notices.
Updated translation files.