Download Perfmatters 2.2.7 from nulled fire. This plugin adds an assortment of performance and speed improvements to your WordPress installation.
Adjusted the Script Manager styles for better compatibility with other admin bar tools when the Script Manager UI is being displayed.
Fixed an issue in the Script Manager that was causing individual script settings to not work correctly when the parent group had previously been disabled.
Updated Russian (ru_RU) translation files.
Updated plugin description.
Fixed a bug that was causing the Script Manager dequeue function to interfere with the query loop in certain cases
Performance update to Script Manager form submission function which should help dramatically reduce the footprint when saving script configurations.
Removed the Current URL option in the Script Manager when loaded on URLs without a valid post ID. (ex. dynamically generated archive templates)
Added plugin settings page header with links to Contact and Support.
Minor styling fixes in plugin settings UI.
Updated Russian (re_RU) translation files.