Porto - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme 7.1.3

Download Porto - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme 7.1.3 from nulled fire. Porto is an Responsive Wordpress + eCommerce Theme that is extremely customizable
Updated porto with demos, now you can install demos. :party::rock:
- Fixed some elements' style issue in the tabs and toggles
- Fixed an issue that mini cart was not clickable on mobile
- Fixed an issue that shop pages not working when inserting posts shortcodes in product's short description
+ Added 10+ Gutenberg blocks
- Updated: Compatibility with Wordpress 5.0
- Updated: WPBakery Page builder plugin to 5.6
- Updated: language files
- Updated: Porto Functionality plugin to 1.2.0
- Fixed an style issue in single product pages which use full width product layout
- Fixed an issue of image color swatch after ajax load
- Fixed sticky header background image issue
- Fixed mobile menu issue of header type 19 ( shop 20 )
- Fixed header height issue when using sticky header
- Fixed a facebook sharing issue on mobile browsers
- Fixed quantity input issue on shop pages