* Fix: Gravity Forms - Added missing responsive controls for label font size, description font size
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Input field padding responsive issue
* Fix: Gravity Forms - More override fixes due to text color set in row / column
* Fix: Countdown - Apostrophe in expire message field was breaking the layout
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Added missing role="tablist" HTML attribute
* Fix: Info Box - Custom image width was not working when the module is used in site header
* Fix: Updated French translation and added missing MO file
* Fix: Updated Portuguese (Brazil) translations
* Development: Video - Added hook pp_video_lightbox_after_load
* Enhancement: Table of Contents - Added a CSS class field under Sticky ToC settings to hide the ToC when it reaches to the row with specified CSS class
* Fix: Info Box - Added an option in the module to inherit the columns equal heights behavior (kept enabled by default for existing users)
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
* Fix: Image Carousel - Added a workaround for the images which were not getting rendered in custom registered size
* Fix: Registration Form - Validation error message was not showing for custom added fields
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Text color set in the row or column setting overriding the custom title and description colors
* Development: Photo Gallery - Added filter hook pp_gallery_image_html_attrs
* Development: Filterable Gallery - Added filter hook pp_filterable_gallery_image_html_attrs
* Development: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added filter hook pp_logo_image_html_attrs
* Development: Advanced Accordion - Added filter hook pp_advanced_accordion_scroll_offset_top
* Development: Post related modules - Added filter hook pp_post_image_settings_data
* Enhancement: Content Tiles - Added an option to enable date & author to be displayed on all tiles
* Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added an option to set an image as an icon
* Fix: Content Grid - None option in Fallback image field was not working in some cases
* Fix: Content Grid - Post Filter Type option will always be visible to switch pagination from AJAX to static
* Fix: Content Grid - Current category's child categories were not showing up in the taxonomy filters
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Total Number of Posts value was getting restored to default one after saving the module settings
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - URL trigger was only working for the first instance when there are multiple instances on the page
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Sub-menu alignement issue when using Expanded layout
* Fix: Reviews - Google font awesome icon was not loading
* Fix: Info Box - Column equal heights causes Info Box to use all available space
* Fix: Login Form - Password reset was not working with BuddyBoss theme
* Fix: Filterable Gallery - Images were not getting rendered in the given size in some cases
* Fix: Animated Headlines - Animated text was not displaying in the builder when it renders the JS layout on changing module settings
* Fix: Maintenance Mode - Header/Footer set in PowerPack settings were getting displayed while maintenance mode is enabled
* Fix: Login/Register - Pages were not getting saved in the network admin
* Development: Table of Contents - Added JS hooks pp_toc_before_init and pp_toc_after_init
* Development: Table of Contents - Added is-empty and pp-toc-initialized CSS classes
* Development: Category Grid - Added filter hook pp_category_grid_exclude_current_category
* Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_iframe_attrs