* New: Table of Contents module
* Enhancement: File Download - Added field connections
* Enhancement: File Download - Added an option for custom file name
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to change number of slides to move at a time for carousel
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added option to change the filters position top, left, or right
* Enhancement: Category Grid - Added option to show only assigned categories' children or parents on single post
* Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added option to position vertical tabs left or right
* Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added option to set tab description
* Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added accessibility support
* Enhancement: Restaurant Menu - Added option to set currency symbol position
* Enhancement: Photo Gallery - Added option to enable or disable link nofollow
* Enhancement: Filterable Gallery - Added option to enable or disable link nofollow
* Enhancement: Logos Grid & Carousel - Added option to enable or disable link nofollow
* Enhancement: Google Map - Added option to control maximum zoom
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added option to render image via background image or with img tag
* Enhancement: Image Carousel - Added options to change bullets vertical and horizontal spacing
* Enhancement: Image Panels - Added option to stack panels on responsive devices
* Enhancement: Login Form - Added option to position social login button above or below the form
* Enhancement: Off-Canvas - Added logic to close the off-canvas panel when clicking on on-page links
* Enhancement: Header/Footer - Added logic to support additional themes via add_theme_support function
* Enhancement: Row settings - Added new PowerPack row separators - Curve Layers, Mountains
* Fix: Modal Box - PHP warning due to undefined array offset in CSS
* Fix: Modal Box - Added missing alt tag for image button
* Fix: Off-Canvas Content - Using Animated Headlines on the same page causes Off-Canvas panel slightly flicker
* Fix: Content Grid - Issue with nav buttons getting cut-off in carousel
* Fix: Google Map - Issue with ACF Repeater field
* Fix: Image Carousel - Pagination was not working properly due to JS conflict with PP Instagram Feed module on the same page
* Fix: Instagram Feed - Special characters in alt text breaks the content
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Pagination was not working properly in some cases
* Development: Google Map - Added hook pp_google_map_data to filter the data
* Development: Google Map - Added hook pp_google_map_cluster_images_url to change marker cluster images URL
* Development: Off-Canvas Content - Introduced a CSS class to close the panel by clicking on any element having this class
* Development: Login Form - Added hook pp_login_form_social_login_registration to allow new user registration via social login
* Development: FAQ - Added hook pp_faq_schema_force_render to print schema data when module is rendered through shortcode or as a saved template