PowerPack for Beaver Builder 2.36.2

Download PowerPack for Beaver Builder 2.36.2 from nulled fire. PowerPack for Beaver Builder is a set of custom, creative, unique modules for Beaver Builder.
* Enhancement: Social Icons & Social Share - Updated Twitter icon to X
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Item label text alignment was not working after the recent update
* Fix: Info Box - Text hover colors were not working on hovering over the box when link type is set to None
* Fix: Registration Form - Disable administrator role selection in the module settings for security reasons
* Fix: Registration Form - Disable all other role selection in the module settings for contributor user for security reasons
* Enhancement: Advanced Tabs - Added shortcode support for Default Active Tab Index field
* Enhancement: Info Box - Added an option to stack icon and text on the given breakpoint
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Added support for large breakpoint for columns
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Enabled responsive controls for navigation Arrow Size and Arrow Spacing options
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Added an option to reset the cookie for Auto Load and Exit Intent when module setting is changed
* Enhancement: Off-Canvas Content - Added default CSS based close icon
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added large breakpoint option for post columns
* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added options to display item title and content from post custom field through Beaver Themer's field connections
* Enhancement: FAQ - Added options to display item title and content from post custom field through Beaver Themer's field connections
* Enhancement: Restaurant Menu - Converted item description field to multiline textarea
* Enhancement: Restaurant Menu - Added typography options for item price unit
* Enhancement: Added support for global colors connection introduced in BB 2.8-beta
* Fix: Card Slider - Pagination was not showing in some cases
* Fix: Content Grid - Filtering was throwing JS error with infinite scroll pagination
* Fix: Content Grid - Minor PHP warning
* Fix: Category Grid - Description margin was not working
* Fix: Restaurant Menu - Lightbox was not working in some cases
* Fix: Devices - JS error in some cases
* Fix: Photo Gallery - When there is a single row of photos, enabling last row hide option was hiding the gallery in justified layout
* Fix: Video - Removed extra opening <g> tag for SVG play button
* Fix: Video - Aspect ratio issue with too wide inline self hosted video
* Fix: Testimonials - Removed field connections for testimonial items since they do not work as expected in repeater
* Fix: Animated Headline - Plus (+) character was not getting rendered
* Fix: Advanced Accordion - When choosing Post as source and using classic editor, the first item content doesn't render <p> tags
* Fix: Modal Box - When closing the modal through keyboard tab navigation, the focus shifts to the first anchor tag in the body instead of previously focused element
* Fix: Info Box - Inherit column equal height option was overriding module's visibility rules CSS
* Fix: Column separator - Minor PHP warning
* Fix: Rendering issue on mobile in multiple slider modules after enabling responsive reverse for BB column
* Development: Category Grid - Added filter hook pp_category_term_link
* Development: Testimonials - Added filter hook pp_testimonial_items
* Development: Testimonials - Added filter hook pp_testimonial_layout_path
* Development: Social Share - Added filter hook pp_social_share_current_url
* Enhancement: Added logic to auto purge Beaver Builder cache after updating the plugin
* Fix: Content Grid - Posts were getting appended on changing filters in some cases
* Fix: Content Grid - Post spacing issue when values are not provided for other breakpoints
* Fix: Render CSS inline for saved template used in various Advanced Tabs, Accordion, Modal Box, Off-Canvas modules
* Development: Registration Form - Added hook pp_rf_before_user_register to perform additional validation