PublishPress Authors Pro 4.7.1

Download PublishPress Authors Pro 4.7.1 from nulled fire. PublishPress Authors Pro allows you to add multiple authors and guest authors to WordPress posts.
* Added: Added new shortcode: authors_list. It displays a list of all authors, and accept a "layout" argument, #338;
* Added: Added filters for customizing the byline on Elementor skins: publishpress_authors_elementor_posts_skin_cards_byline, publishpress_authors_elementor_posts_skin_classic_byline, #335;
* Changed: Improved the style for the Boxed layout, #332;
* Changed: Automatically sync the author URL with the user nicename when the user is saved, #53;
* Fixed: Fixed encoding of UTF-8 chars in the Author URL column in the Authors list, #352;
* Fixed: Fixed PHP warnings on Nested Pages plugin, #345;
* Fixed: Improved performance on author pages reducing the number of database queries only looking for an author taxonomy if a user was not found;
* Fixed: Fix compatibility with the SEO Framework archive title for guest authors, #351;
* Fixed: Fixed the query to list authors considering only published posts, #350;
* Fixed: Fixed warning about undefined index: ID, the rest-api.php file, #342;
* Fixed: Fix PublishPress notifications for guest authors with email address, #349;
* Fixed: Fix the PHP warning "Call to a member function get_user_object() on bool", #348;
* Fixed: Duplicated queries caused by multiple calls to "get_user_by" for the same slug, #343;
* Fixed: Fix the authors list widget form removing not used field, #339;
* Fixed: Fix error: "Twig file not found" for shortcodes in the Pro version using a custom layout. And avoid to show the authors twice if Free and Pro are activated, #336;
* Fixed: Fix compatibility with WP Engine object cache, #327;
* Fixed: Fixed the invalid taxonomy error message, #326;
* Fixed: Improved performance on author pages reducing the number of database queries only looking for an author taxonomy if a user was not found;
* Fixed: Fix the Authors List widget title alignment wrapping it on a H2 tag;
* Fixed: Changed the way we sync post_author column: Current user will only be set as author if no terms where found for the post, or there are only guest authors. If post_author is empty, we set it for the current user, creating an author term for it, #286.
* Fixed: Duplicated queries for the same given email in the method MultipleAuthors\Classes\Author_Utils::get_author_term_id_by_email(). Added a cache for the query results and an option to ignore the cache, #293;
* Fixed: Performance issue. Optimized some methods and modules loading for reducing the server overload and reduce duplicated queries. Some modules now are only loaded if the required plugin is installed, #297;
* Fixed: Fix the path for the template-tags.php file when called by the author box, if not loaded yet;
* Fixed: Only register admin hooks if in the admin, #297;
* Fixed: Fixed JS warning about variable being implicitly defined;
* Fixed: Fixed compatibility issue with Select2 library loaded by WS Form Plugin, #292;
* Fixed: Improved performance when opening the post edit page and quick edit panel for sites with thousands of authors;
* Changed: Deprecated functions and classes now can be disabled if you define the constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_LOAD_DEPRECATED_LEGACY_CODE" as false. Default is true, #297;
* Changed: CoAuthors' backward compatibility functions now can be disabled if you define the constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_LOAD_COAUTHORS_FUNCTIONS" as false. Default is true, #297;
* Changed: Bylines' backward compatibility functions now can be disabled if you define the constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_LOAD_BYLINES_FUNCTIONS" as false. Default is true, #297;
* Added: Added new maintenance task for syncing the authors' slug with the respective user's sanitized login (user_nicename). There is a new constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_SYNC_AUTHOR_SLUG_CHUNK_SIZE" for customizing the size of the chunk of authors to update at a time (default to 50), #287;
* Added: Added new constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_SYNC_POST_AUTHOR_CHUNK_SIZE" for defining the size of the chunck of posts to convert authors in the maintenance task: Update author field on posts. Default to 10;
* Removed: Removed the support to the filter "coauthors_auto_apply_template_tags", #297;
* Added: Added support to Bulk Edit for authors in the post list, #263 and #280;
* Fixed: Fixed maintenance tasks to consider all the selected post types and not "post" only, #276;
* Fixed: Fixed compatibility issue with the WP RSS Aggregator plugin, #278;
* Fixed: Restored the posts count in the Authors and Users list, #275;