Restrict Content Pro 3.5.41

Download Restrict Content Pro 3.5.41 from nulled fire. With Restrict Content Pro you can set up a complete subscription system for your WordPress.
Security Fix: Improve customer IP address validation & escaping.
Fix: Include $membership argument in renewal payment failed email filters. This fixes some problems with Per-Level Emails not working with this email template.
Fix: reCAPTCHA now works with [register_form_stripe]. This also fixed a problem where the [register_form_stripe] form wasn't able to be submitted at all if reCAPTCHA was enabled.
Fix: Two strings missing the rcp text domain, which prevented them from being translated.
Fix: Adjust how base object class is set up to prevent unnecessary unserializing.
Fix: Add whitelists to queries in RCP_Levels database class to prevent ordering by columns that don't exist.
Translations: All translation files have been synced with the source code. This will add any missing strings.
Fix: Memberships still shown as trialing if a customer renews their membership before the trial expires. Now the trialling flag is removed as soon as the first payment comes in, even if it's done early.
Fix: Braintree class fatal error when using RCP's Braintree gateway alongside other plugins using the same Braintree library.
Fix: The administrator user role is now never removed, even if the administrator role was granted by the membership level.
Tweak: Added version number to composer.json file.