Restrict Content Pro 3.5.43

Download Restrict Content Pro 3.5.43 from nulled fire. With Restrict Content Pro you can set up a complete subscription system for your WordPress.
Fix: reCAPTCHA now works with [register_form_stripe]. This also fixed a problem where the [register_form_stripe] form wasn't able to be submitted at all if reCAPTCHA was enabled.
Fix: Two strings missing the rcp text domain, which prevented them from being translated.
Fix: Adjust how base object class is set up to prevent unnecessary unserializing.
Fix: Add whitelists to queries in RCP_Levels database class to prevent ordering by columns that don't exist.
Translations: All translation files have been synced with the source code. This will add any missing strings.
Fix: Memberships still shown as trialing if a customer renews their membership before the trial expires. Now the trialling flag is removed as soon as the first payment comes in, even if it's done early.
Fix: Braintree class fatal error when using RCP's Braintree gateway alongside other plugins using the same Braintree library.
Fix: The administrator user role is now never removed, even if the administrator role was granted by the membership level.
Tweak: Added version number to composer.json file.
Modified template files: subscription.php
New: Add filters on admin Payment Received email message and subject. rcp_payment_received_admin_email and rcp_email_payment_received_admin_subject.
New: Add user_id column to memberships table. This helps provide a more direct connection between a membership record and the corresponding user account. This data will be automatically backfilled when accessed.
New: Add get_payment_id() public method to RCP_Emails class.
Improvement: Add JavaScript confirmation to "Cancel" link on admin memberships table.
Improvement: Automatically retry failed payment after Stripe billing card is updated.
Improvement: Add more detail to "can cancel" debug log message to explain why it might be "false".
Improvement: Include all method parameters in rcp_registration_get_recurring_total filter.
Improvement: Rework handling in 3.0 migration for people who attempt the migration multiple times. This helps better ensure all migrated data is brand new and not "stale" from the previous attempt.
Improvement: Adjust membership level "Status" description to clarify the difference between active and inactive membership levels.
Improvement: Introduce rcp_transition_customer_email_verification hook. This hook is now used for triggering email verification emails.
Improvement: Add $payment_event parameter to rcp_stripe_webhook_membership filter.
Improvement: subscription.php template - Give upgrade link a new class (rcp_sub_details_change_membership) so it's not the same as the renew link.
Fix: "Complete Payment" feature not working - form gets stuck on "Please Wait..."
Fix: RCP duplicating Google Authenticator plugin's admin settings.
Fix: Invalid integer error while processing failed payment emails.
Fix: Ensure RCP's new membership expiration date is always at least 2 hours after Stripe's reported current_period_end on automatic renewals. This allows time for Stripe's 1-hour window between invoice generation and payment.
Fix: Rework old discounts database table upgrades from the 3.0.0 update to ensure they all run correctly and in order. This protects against a possible error about the subscription_id column not existing.
Fix: Unable to update Stripe billing card if the subscription wasn't originally created by RCP.
Fix: CSV importer reporting incorrect row numbers after the first batch.