Restrict Content Pro 3.5.41

Download Restrict Content Pro 3.5.41 from nulled fire. With Restrict Content Pro you can set up a complete subscription system for your WordPress.
Update: These changes are the same as version 3.5.31 plus the fix in this version with RCP Custom Redirect add-on.
Improvement: Make sure that the Stripe integration is returning a valid success or error response. Allow Stripe to retry the event if it was not processed.
Improvement: Add Stripe configuration to make sure it retries events that were not processed. This is helpful if many events are processed at the same time.
Update: Rollback the version 3.5.29 to the state of version 3.5.28.
Improvement: Add new feature in our Telemetry integration to send additional information to Telemetry.
Fix: Style fixes to register Forms.
Fix: Blank screen in Earning reports when revenue is 0.