Restrict Content Pro 3.5.41

Download Restrict Content Pro 3.5.41 from nulled fire. With Restrict Content Pro you can set up a complete subscription system for your WordPress.
Improvement: Replace Freemius third-party integration with our StellarWP Telemetry.
Fix: Replaces Divs with tables on the 'Register page' and 'Your Membership' page.
Fix: Block 'Content Upgrade Redirect' not being shown in the block list.
HotFix: Fix RCP Stripe code that was ignoring all the webhooks.
Fix: Sanitation issues in core files.
Improvement: Add new Stripe Option to filter the webhooks that are by RCP. If you want to use a couple of webhooks then you can use them instead of all.
Improvement: Add constant 'RC_NO_FREEMIUS' and filter `restrict_content_integrations_should_load_freemius` to avoid Freemius usage.
Update: Update Stripe library to version 10.3.
Update: RCP Stripe API version to 2023-01-23.