SearchWP - Fuzzy Matches 1.4.4

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Download SearchWP - Fuzzy Matches 1.4.4 from nulled fire. Fuzzy matching aims to make SearchWP a bit more lenient with search queries.

Download SearchWP - Fuzzy Matches 1.4.4 from nulled fire

Fuzzy matching aims to make SearchWP a bit more lenient with search queries.
Fuzzy matching aims to make SearchWP a bit more lenient with search queries. Use this extension to include search terms that are close in spelling to terms within your index. There are some filters available for this Extension that let you fine-tune how loose the fuzziness is.

Set the minimum word length to include in fuzzy matches (default is 5)

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Beyond basic fuzzy matching, SearchWP will apply some primitive spell checking to submitted terms. This filter lets you specify what minimum percentage should be used to constitute a valid match. Must be 0 – 100. (default is 80)

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Set the maximum percentage of digits in search term to perform spell checking (default is 10)

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SearchWP - Fuzzy Matches

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Apanha Apanha Published By