* New - Sidebar cart quantity option. Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart.
* New - Hover intent theme option for less jarring sudden interactions with dropdown menus. Customize > Header and Navigation > Navigation
* Fix - Typography 2.0 PHP error resolved and updated Google Fonts list included.
* Fix - PDP button gap if only 1 in stock.
* Tweak - More robust sale discount calculation function.
* Tweak - Improved review reply styling.
* Tweak - One row header layout on the thank you page style corrections.
* Tweak - Removed lazy loading background image for below header category banner as this would typically already display above the fold.
CommerceKit 2.2.2:
* New - Multiple order bumps within the mini cart and checkout.
* New - Product swatches can now display 2 colors if desired.
* New - Waitlist option to send mails to everyone on the list when an item is back in stock.
* New - Waitlist footer text input.
* New - Waitlist emails can now include HTML in contents.
* New - Choose a custom icon for the size guides.
* Fix - Product gallery on mobile no longer requires two interactions to initialize.
* Fix - Sticky add to cart bar mobile display issue.
* Tweak - Product gallery primary image now includes the fetchpriority="high" tag.
* Tweak - Reposition mobile gallery pagination dots to be underneath the gallery.
* Tweak - Swatches PLPs: when linking to the PDP and there is only one attribute remove the 'Select options' button.
* Tweak - Ajax search now supports custom taxonomies e.g. various brands plugins.
* Tweak - Ajax search suggestions previously had a max height of 600px, this is now dynamic.
* Tweak - Countdowns variable JS names changed to prevent conflicts.
* UX - Size guides admin area now suggests you create your first size guide if one does not exist
* New - Option to hide the "View cart" button in the sidebar mini cart. Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart.
* Fix - Hiding category description option now works again.
* Tweak - Theme now uses CSS Grid on blog and archive pages.
* Tweak - Lock icon added to cart and mini cart checkout buttons.
* Tweak - Mobile cart RTL improvements.
CommerceKit 2.2.1:
* New - Swatches on PLPs option. Can now link to the overall PDP or the selected swatch.
* Fix - Sticky ATC z-index issue, it appeared above sidebar cart when opened.
* Fix - Product swatch label didn't display when the label was '0'.
* Fix - Product Badges 500 error when assigned categories/tags were later deleted.
* Tweak - Sticky add to cart gap on mobile.
* Compatibility - Countdown timers now work with the WPC Grouped Product Type.
* Compatibility - Sticky ATC tabs now work with the WPC Grouped plugin.
* Compatibility - Waitlist with the Product Bundles plugin.
* UX - Settings link added to CommerceKit on the WordPress plugins page.
* New - Customizer typography controls can now accept local custom font files.
* Fix - For variable items on sale, the sale % value now updates on PDPs if it differs between variations.
* Fix - Improved order of CSS loaded within Shoptimizer's child theme.
* Fix - Below category content WYSIWYG - solved empty <p> tag display issue.
* Compatibility - WooCommerce Product Videos plugin.
* Compatibility - Smart Search Pro plugin.
* Compatibility - Improved WooCommerce Composite Products Styling.
* Tweak - Added a reveal password toggle to the login and register form on the My Account page.
* Tweak - Cart total in nav bar displays large values better.
* Tweak - Add to cart CTA on PDP goes full width if quantity input isn't present.
* Tweak - RTL improvements.
CommerceKit 2.2.0:
* New - Minimal mobile layout option for product galleries.
* Enhancement - Added post meta to an order to record when an order bump has been added.
* Enhancement - New option allows for free shipping notification to be displayed by default before a customer enters their shipping address.
* Enhancement - PLP swatches when there is only a single variation now displays an add to cart button.
* Enhancement - Can now adjust stock meter colors and thresholds.
* Enhancement - Can now change number of products displayed within ajax search suggestions.
* Fix - PHP error when WooCommerce is disabled.
* Fix - Slow admin when Query Monitor plugin was active resolved.
* Fix - Free shipping notification - if a product is downloadable the free shipping bar was hidden.
* Fix - Sticky add to cart gap on mobile when sticky header is not active.
* Fix - Product gallery white space above image at certain proportions resolved.
* Fix - Attribute gallery not working based on attribute value.
* Fix - Attribute gallery image swap issue.
* Fix - Video page indexing: No thumbnail URL provided.
* Fix - Order bump setting "Button added" now displays correctly.
* Fix - Product gallery white space issue if first image isn't as tall as subsequent ones.
* Fix - When vertical scroll gallery enabled, clicking a swatch jumped to the bottom of the PDP.
* Fix - Wishlist items being duplicated after refreshing page.
* Tweak - Improved wishlist mobile styling.
* Tweak - "Configure" buttons in dashboard can now be translated - thanks to Aviel.
* Tweak - Single variation swatches now displays out of stock attributes better.
* Compatibility - Free shipping notification now works with the WooCommerce Flexible Pricing by WPDesk plugin.
* Compatibility - Product gallery now works with the WooCommerce 360º Image plugin.
* Compatibility - ElasticPress can now be integrated within Ajax Search module.
* Compatibility - Waitlist and Order bump modules with WPML.