Smart Manager For WooCommerce 8.49.0

Download Smart Manager For WooCommerce 8.49.0 from nulled fire. Smart Manager For WooCommerce powerful tool to manage stock, inventory from a single place.
* New: WordPress 6.2.2 compatible
* Fix: Inline edit functionality not working in Firefox browser
* Fix: Modals and Notifications not appearing in some cases in Firefox browser
* Fix: Column sorted arrow icon not visible in cases when column name is long
* Fix: Few of the JavaScript files loading more than once on dashboard load
* Fix: Incorrect version for enqueued JavaScript & CSS files
* Fix: JavaScript errors in console in some cases when using any plugin functionality
* Update: POT file
* New: WordPress 6.2.1 compatible
* New: Option 'sm_use_number_field_for_numeric_cols' to enable/disable usage of HTML number input field for numeric columns in the grid
* New: Keyboard shortcuts for buttons in all functionalities (like advanced search, bulk edit, etc.) using modal dialogs (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file
* New: 'any of' and 'not any of' advanced search operators for text fields (Pro)
* New: Option 'sm_update_trash_records' to consider or not consider 'Trash' records when updating 'Entire Store' using Bulk Edit/Duplicate Records/Delete Records functionality (Pro)
* Fix: PHP Warnings when updating some of the WooCommerce Product fields using Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file