Smart Manager For WooCommerce 8.49.0

Download Smart Manager For WooCommerce 8.49.0 from nulled fire. Smart Manager For WooCommerce powerful tool to manage stock, inventory from a single place.
* New: Rename column headers (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit not working in some cases on non-first pages post saving
* Fix: Notification messages not showing in some cases
* Fix: Dashboard refreshing to first page when bulk editing records on non-first pages (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file
* New: HTML number field editor for numeric fields
* New: Option 'sm_show_tasks_title_modal' to show or hide the 'Tasks Title Modal' when performing inline/bulk edits (Pro)
* Fix: PHP 8.2 Warnings: Creation of dynamic properties is deprecated
* Update: 'WP editor' for 'Product short description' and 'Post excerpt' fields
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file
* Fix: PHP 8.2 Warnings: Creation of dynamic properties is deprecated
* Fix: Dashboard total record count incorrectly updated when inline editing records on non-first pages
* Fix: Last field from Advanced Custom Fields plugin not displaying for WooCommerce Orders dashboard (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file