The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0

Download The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0 from nulled fire. Event Tickets Plus Sell Tickets Using Your Favorite E-commerce Solution.
* Fix - Ensure that Event Tickets Plus customers never encounter application fees on Stripe for Tickets Commerce purchases. [ET-1513]
* Fix - In some cases, enabling Object Cache was not saving Attendee Registration data properly. [ETP-796]
* Fix - Fixed missing target and rel attribute for admin view links. [ETP-792]
* Enhancement - Added icon and styling to field info in the classic editor's ticket list. [ET-1494]
* Feature - Added Elementor widgets for Event Tickets and RSVP. [ETP-731]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_event_tickets_plus_elementor_registered_{$this->type}`.
* Language - 11 new strings added, 15 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted.
* Fix - Resolve issue where a valid license key was sometimes identified as invalid when transients were cleared. [ET-1498]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 1 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted.