The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 5.10.1

Download The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 5.10.1 from nulled fire. Event Tickets Plus Sell Tickets Using Your Favorite E-commerce Solution.
* Fix - Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 and jQuery 3.5.X [ETP-626]
* Fix - Attendees will no longer have a new user created (if they did not already exist), which was introduced in Event Tickets Plus 5.2.0. To turn this on, you can simply add the filter `add_filter( 'tribe_tickets_attendee_create_user_from_email', '__return_true' );`
* Fix - Removed the 'Edit' column from the Attendees Report export CSV file. [ETP-652]
* Tweak - Add filter `tribe_tickets_modal_show_if_no_ticket_with_ar_in_cart` you can return false on to skip the Attendee Registration Modal if no tickets with Attendee Registration fields are in cart. [ETP-516]
* Tweak - Tweaked incomplete order status queries for MySQL 8+ compatibility in the WooCommerce integration. [ETP-669]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 30 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Feature - You can now add and edit attendees directly from the Attendees Report screen -- Choose the ticket or RSVP then fill out the attendee details and a ticket will be set up and emailed to them. You can edit existing attendees and all of the things you love about Attendee Registration has come along for the party too! [ETP-366]
* Feature - WooCommerce and Easy Digital Download attendees are now generated through the new Event Tickets 5.1.0 Attendees API which provides more flexibility for adding and editing attendees at the code-level. [ETP-366]
* Feature - There's a new Orders API for setting up a corresponding WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads order for an attendee generated through the Attendees API. [ETP-366]
* Fix - Add a workaround for a potential WooCommerce fatal error until WooCommerce 5.1 is released. [ETP-635]
* Fix - Always enforce an integer for WooCommerce when we use the cart contents because some WooCommerce-related plugins may directly modify the cart contents and set the quantity to an unexpected format (float). [ETP-631]
* Fix - Ensure form submissions for Attendee Registration Information is prepared when updating the persistent cookie the same as it is prepared for creating the cookie.
* Fix - Ensure single Attendee Registration Fields are retained properly when processing Attendee Registration Information for storage. [ETP-642]
* Tweak - Handle currently selected values in the Attendee Registration Field templates (v2) for Birth Date field, Radio field, and Checkbox field.
* Tweak - Allow providing values to Attendee Registration Fields at the code level so the fields can be prepopulated on render. [ETP-366]
* Tweak - Extend the Attendees Repository code from Event Tickets for Tribe Commerce and RSVPs so that meta integration is handled directly on attendee save. [ETP-366]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_tickets_plus_manual_attendees_user_allowed_to_add`, `tribe_tickets_plus_manual_attendees_user_allowed_to_edit`, `tribe_tickets_plus_manual_attendees_add_capabilities`, `tribe_tickets_plus_manual_attendees_edit_capabilities`, `tribe_tickets_plus_manual_attendees_show_on_front`, `tribe_tickets_plus_meta_render_table_meta_data_orphaned_data`, `tribe_tickets_plus_repositories_traits_attendee_meta`, `tribe_tickets_manual_attendees_enabled`
* Tweak - Removed filters: `wootickets_attendee_insert_args`
* Tweak - Added actions: `event_tickets_woocommerce_tickets_generated`, `event_tickets_woocommerce_tickets_generated_for_product`
* Tweak - Changed views: `attendees-list`, `eddtickets/tickets`, `login-to-purchase`, `meta`, `meta/birth`, `meta/checkbox`, `meta/datetime`, `meta/email`, `meta/number`, `meta/radio`, `meta/select`, `meta/telephone`, `meta/text`, `meta/url`, `tickets-plus/attendee-list-checkbox-rsvp`, `tickets-plus/attendee-list-checkbox-tickets`, `tickets-plus/email-qr`, `tickets-plus/orders-edit-meta`, `tickets-plus/orders-tickets`, `tpp/attendees-list-optout`, `v2/attendee-registration/button/back-to-cart`, `v2/attendee-registration/button/submit`, `v2/attendee-registration/content`, `v2/attendee-registration/content/attendees/content`, `v2/attendee-registration/content/attendees/error`, `v2/attendee-registration/content/attendees/fields`, `v2/attendee-registration/content/event`, `v2/attendee-registration/content/event/summary`, `v2/attendee-registration/content/event/summary/description`, `v2/attendee-registration/content/event/summary/title`, `v2/attendee-registration/content/notice`, `v2/attendee-registration/content/title`, `v2/attendee-registration/footer`, `v2/attendee-registration/mini-cart`, `v2/attendee-registration/mini-cart/title`, `v2/components/meta/birth`, `v2/components/meta/checkbox`, `v2/components/meta/datetime`, `v2/components/meta/email`, `v2/components/meta/number`, `v2/components/meta/radio`, `v2/components/meta/select`, `v2/components/meta/telephone`, `v2/components/meta/text`, `v2/components/meta/url`, `v2/iac/attendee-registration/email-disclaimer`, `v2/iac/attendee-registration/unique-email-error`, `v2/iac/attendee-registration/unique-name-error`, `v2/iac/my-tickets/resend-email-template`, `v2/modal/attendee-registration`, `v2/modal/attendee-registration/footer`, `v2/modal/attendee-registration/notice/error`, `v2/modal/attendee-registration/notice/non-ar`, `v2/modal/attendee-registration/title`, `v2/modal/cart`, `v2/modal/form`, `v2/modal/item/opt-out`, `v2/modal/item/remove`, `v2/modal/item/total`, `v2/modal/target`, `v2/tickets/commerce/fields`, `v2/tickets/commerce/fields/edd`, `v2/tickets/commerce/fields/woo`, `v2/tickets/submit/button-modal`, `wootickets/tickets`
* Language - 28 new strings added, 40 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Fix - Prevent potential fatal errors by passing the currency object to the context for the tickets footer template in the Attendee Registration mini cart in all cases. [ETP-629]
* Fix - Multiple shortcodes `[tribe_tickets post_id="ID"]` in a single page will now properly work with Modal and adding to cart. [ETP-627]
* Fix - 2 new strings added, 3 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 2 obsoleted