The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0

Download The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0 from nulled fire. Event Tickets Plus Sell Tickets Using Your Favorite E-commerce Solution.
* Tweak - Avoid loading plugin assets on post types that are not tickets-enabled post types [124403]
* Tweak - Tweak styles around asterisk for required attendee registration inputs. [137285]
* Tweak - Ensure font weight is standardized for attendee fields on single-event and tickets views. [137285]
* Fix - WooCommerce tickets no longer show negative quantity available to purchase, such as if a ticket product is already oversold and backorders are not allowed [133432]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 22 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Fix - Clean up the way we query pending orders for tickets, add caching to prevent repeated queries, and optimize meta calls for order information. [138485]
* Fix - Update the WooCommerce minimum version as version prior to 3.7 are now incompatible. [138483]
* Feature - Utilize the new `tribe-dialog` for WooCommerce & Easy Digital Downloads "Get Tickets" buttons [129434]
* Feature - Add option to turn on/off Attendee Registration Modal. On by default _for new installs_ only [133048]
* Feature - Detect changes of WooCommerce Ticket Products in the cart with AR fields and redirect to AR page on change [131139]
* Feature - Use the block ticket template for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads ticket views [132568]
* Feature - Deprecate templates for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads ticket views [132568]
* Tweak - Change the way we add options to the ticket settings tab. [133048]
* Tweak - Add ability to track installed version history. Added `$version_history_slug` and `$latest_version_slug` properties to `Tribe__Tickets_Plus__Main` [133048]
* Tweak - Add links back to the Attendee Registration page from WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads checkout pages. [129449]
* Tweak - Minimum required WordPress version updated to WordPress 4.9
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_tickets_plus_edd_cart_url`, `tribe_tickets_plus_edd_checkout_url`, `woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation`, `tribe_tickets_plus_woo_checkout_url`, `tribe_tickets_plus_meta_storage_get_hash_cookie`, `tribe_tickets_plus_meta_storage_combine_new_and_saved_meta`
* Tweak - Removed filters: `tribe_tickets_plus_hide_attendees_list_optout`, `tribe_events_tickets_woo_cart_class`, `tribe_events_tickets_woo_quantity_column_class`, `tribe_events_tickets_row_class`, `tribe_events_tickets_woo_quantity_column_class`, `tribe_tickets_plus_hide_attendees_list_optout`
* Tweak - Added actions: `event_tickets_plus_edd_send_ticket_emails`, `tribe_tickets_plus_meta_storage_set_hash_cookie`, `tribe_tickets_plus_meta_storage_delete_hash_cookie`, `event_tickets_plus_attendee_meta_update`
* Tweak - Removed actions: `wootickets_tickets_after_quantity_input`
* Tweak - Changed views: `eddtickets/tickets`, `wootickets/tickets`
* Fix - Make sure we're done processing RSVP attendee meta before we clear the cookie used to sync with the temporary transient meta. [138003]
* Language - 3 new strings added, 5 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted