The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0

Download The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0 from nulled fire. Event Tickets Plus Sell Tickets Using Your Favorite E-commerce Solution.
* Tweak - Reduced file size by removing .po files and directing anyone creating or editing local translations to [128053]
* Tweak - Add class exists check for `Tribe__Tickets_Plus__Commerce__WooCommerce__Email` to prevent fatal error in rare cases [130183]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_tickets_plus_get_total_complete`, `tribe_tickets_plus_get_total_refunded`, `event_tickets_plus_commerce_edd_refunded_payment_statuses`
* Tweak - Changed views: `eddtickets/tickets`, `meta/checkbox`, `meta/number`, `meta/radio`, `meta/select`, `meta/text`, `tickets-plus/orders-edit-meta`, `wootickets/tickets`
* Fix - Adjust WooCommerce attendee totals to account for refunded (do not include refunded in completed) [126734]
* Fix - Correctly check for attendees created just before sending ticket emails, which resolves ticket email problems when adding a ticket and then another product to the cart and checking out [130597]
* Fix - Get each ticket's quantity available in a filterable way [119822]
* Fix - Dependency checker now correctly identifies missing Event Tickets on activation or deactivation of Event Tickets with The Events Calendar active [123459]
* Fix - Fix the attendee registration settings slugs used in the `retro_attendee_page_option` functionality [128264]
* Fix - Check for available stock by using `_tribe_ticket_capacity` instead of `_stock` meta field in EDD [132585]
* Fix - Resolved issue with saving Attendee Information checkbox and radio field values when editing them [131727]
* Fix - Prevent PHP notices when an optional radio button is left empty in attendee information [134109]
* Language - 1 new strings added, 36 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Tweak - Don't duplicate IDs, correct templates as needed [131430]
* Tweak - Remove fee calculation coding from WooCommerce Tickets Order Report and replace with filters for Community Tickets to utilize [128843]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_tickets_plus_edd_order_table_classes`, `tribe_tickets_plus_woocommerce_order_table_classes`, `tribe_tickets_plus_woocommerce_orders_columns`, `tribe_tickets_plus_woocommerce_filter_column_total`, `tribe_tickets_plus_woocommerce_filter_individual_order_totals_in_event_sales`, `tribe_tickets_plus_woocommerce_filter_report_event_sales_total`, `tribe_tickets_order_report_show_title`, `tribe_tickets_edd_order_report_show_title`, `tribe_tickets_edd_order_report_title`, `tribe_tickets_order_report_show_title`, `tribe_tickets_woocommerce_order_report_show_title`, `tribe_tickets_woocommerce_order_report_title`
* Tweak - Removed filters: `tribe_events_orders_report_site_fees_note`
* Tweak - Added actions: `tribe_tickets_plus_woocommerce_sales_report_after_order_breakdown`
* Fix - Replace calculations in WC order report to utilize filters so Community Tickets (and other plugins) can add/modify them as needed. [130279]
* Language - 1 new strings added, 18 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 2 obsoleted
* Fix - Correct broken attendee list in classic editor [128946]
* Fix - Account for visitors getting to the WooCommerce cart or checkout screens in a manner other than our checkout flow, such as directly visiting the URL [128505]
* Fix - Correctly query and join the necessary tables when WooCommerce or EDD are not activated for queries against `purchaser_name` or `purchaser_email` [128881]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 2 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted