The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0

Download The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0 from nulled fire. Event Tickets Plus Sell Tickets Using Your Favorite E-commerce Solution.
* Feature - Implemented our abstract Object-relational Mapping layer for Easy Digital Downloads / WooCommerce Attendees and increased stability with more automated tests [123468]
* Tweak - Added ability to query attendees by provider using `tribe_attendees( 'woo' )` and `tribe_attendees( 'edd' )` [123468]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_tickets_plus_attendees_list_limit_attendees`
* Language - 0 new strings added, 18 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Feature - Add tooltips to Attendee report, utilizing new tooltip object in tribe-common [120856]
* Feature - Add support for checkbox values returning as "Checked" when populating data for attendee list exports [126735]
* Tweak - Verify the status of attendee as complete when checking in using the REST API [122458]
* Tweak - Utilize the order items to generate the Order Report for WooCommerce instead of attendees [93785]
* Tweak - Remove canceled orders from counting as Pending Competition on the WooCommerce Tickets Order Page [120862]
* Tweak - Changed some tooltip text on the attendee report page for clarity around capacity/inventory/stock [126342]
* Tweak - Adjust styling of the Attendee Information required fields indicator [126779]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_tickets_plus_get_total_cancelled`, `tribe_events_tickets_plus_attendees_list_checkbox_label`
* Fix - Update shared capacity on deletion of attendee for WooCommerce and EDD Attendees [106516]
* Fix - Make Attendees Report match the order report, specifically "Total Tickets Issued" should not include cancelled tickets [69823]
* Fix - Make sure that `WC()->cart` is set before we try to get it's contents [126779]
* Fix - Prevent tickets from being counted twice in the order report when 2 or more tickets included in an order [106516]
* Fix - Ensure capacity changes for source and target tickets when moving a ticket from one type to another [102636]
* Fix - Deprecate old option key `ticket-attendee-info-slug` for attendee registration shortcode to prevent errors [126856]
* Fix - Change cookie settings so that Attendee Information is passed through to checkout on non-secure sites properly [25964]
* Fix - Alter query so EDD `Stock_Control->get_purchased_inventory()` takes moved tickets into account [124657]
* Language - 9 new strings added, 26 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 1 obsoleted
* Tweak - Changed minimum supported version of The Events Calendar to 4.9
* Tweak - Allow menu order to be saved when saving tickets [121703]
* Tweak - Add hooks before WooCommerce and EDD Attendees are generated `tribe_tickets_plus_woo_before_generate_tickets` and `tribe_tickets_plus_edd_before_generate_tickets` [124675]
* Tweak - Add CSS for `tribe_events_modal` class when query string is present in URL [123818]
* Tweak - Modify the attendee meta to remove empty values, but keep zero and improve the escaping of data [123892]
* Tweak - Add support for display 0 when it is a value in attendee meta [123892]
* Tweak - Change Attendee Registration page options to use ID instead of page slug [124997]
* Tweak - Use new `tribe_attendee_registration_form_classes` hook to add form classes for EDD/WooCommerce [124997]
* Tweak - Added actions: `tribe_tickets_plus_woo_before_generate_tickets`, `tribe_tickets_plus_woo_before_generate_tickets`
* Fix - Add Deleted Attendees Count to EDD and add checks for EDD/WooCommerce Tickets to only increase counter once per attendee [122083]
* Fix - Filter the Attendee Registration display to only show tickets for the current provider. Add functions to add provider to cart and Attendee Registration URL [122317]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 16 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted