The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0

Download The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.3.0 from nulled fire. Event Tickets Plus Sell Tickets Using Your Favorite E-commerce Solution.
* Feature - Add a filter to enable security code check during QR checkin, tribe_tickets_plus_qr_check_security_code [87756]
* Fix - Show the ticket table when tickets are all sold out, show message in list view [111893]
* Tweak - Set `tribe_tickets_plus_trash_ticket` filter to true by default [112409]
* Tweak - Added internal methods to WooCommerce and EDD handle more atomic Views for Gutenberg extension [112478]
* Feature - Include a Tickets REST API endpoint for read operations
* Feature - Include WooTickets and EDD tickets fields in the WP personal data erase
* Fix - Properly update attendees transient when checkin/unchekin an attendee for WooCommerce and EDD Tickets, in order to see changes immediately. Thanks to Adam for the report!
* Tweak - WooCommerce Orders Sales by Ticket section to remove duplicate data
* Tweak - Attendees section to clarify infomation
* Add - New template file for inserting the QR codes in tickets emails. Props to @madebyelmcity for bringing this up [62181]
* Fix - Fix EDD tickets stock being borked after updating capacity. Thanks to @lvdesigner and @artstream8401 for flagging this! [106741]
* Fix - Prevent ticket unavailability message from displaying twice with multiple ticket providers [110014]
* Tweak - Adjusted order status output in the tickets order report tab to use translated version. Props to @websource for the report [109640]
* Feature - Include RSVP, Tribe Commerce, WooTickets and EDD tickets fields data in WP personal data export [108488]