The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.2.0

Download The Events Calendar - Event Tickets Plus 6.2.0 from nulled fire. Event Tickets Plus Sell Tickets Using Your Favorite E-commerce Solution.
* Feature - Added updater class to enable changes on future updates
* Fix - Resolved undefined variable error that could occur when purchasing tickets via WooCommerce in some circumstances (thanks to @justlevine for flagging this problem)
* Fix - Added safety checks to stop customers from buying tickets left in the cart *after* the ticket sale dates have passed (our thanks to Lawrence in the forums for flag this problem)
* Fix - Added checks to help prevent tickets from inadvertently being added to the cart more than once when site visitors use the browser refresh button (thanks to Preethi in our forums for reporting this problem) [89843]
* Fix - Fixed some broken functionality and design elements on the front-end "Who's Attending?" list on ticketed events (thanks to @learningarchitects and others for reporting this bug!)
* Fix - Restored the order notes that get added to orders when a tickets email is manually re-sent to a customer (props to Nick H. in our forums for spotting this bug)
* Fix - Restored functionality of the custom WooCommerce tickets email subject line (props to @ilardo for surfacing this bug in the forums)
* Fix - Corrected a number of wrongly declared textdomains (thanks to @websource for drawing our attention to this)
* Fix - Make sure the sales page does not trigger any error when `get_current_screen` does not return an object (thanks to @artistinformatici for report this problem in our forums)
* Fix - Prevented a fatal error that would sometimes arise when viewing events with EDD tickets
* Tweak - Modified WooCommerce ticket inputs so that they are disabled when viewed by unauthenticated users, when a requirement for users to login before purchasing is in effect
* Tweak - Added caching to `get_orders_by_status` call to avoid unnecessarily repeated queries
* Tweak - Fixed harmless (but annoying) PHP notice that would sometimes arise when tickets were in the same WooCommerce cart as non-ticket products (thanks @liblogger for reporting this one!)
* Tweak - Fixed a PHP notice that would sometimes arise when deleting tickets with attendees (thanks to @svkg for reporting this in our forums)
* Tweak - Added logic to clear cookies and storage used from a product when it is removed from the cart
* Tweak - Added new filter `tribe_tickets_plus_email_enabled` to allow for enabling or disabling the tickets emails - this replaces the now-deprecated `wootickets-tickets-email-enabled` filter
* Tweak - Added new filter `tribe_tickets_plus_woocommerce_order_link_url` to allow for remove of the order links on front end order report
* Feature - Extended capacity and stock control for Tribe Commerce Paypal Tickets
* Fix - Remove the Purchase Limit field from WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads tickets back-end edit form [95479]
* Tweak - Addressed some issues where the ticket form would sometimes show up even when all tickets' end-sale dates had passed (props to @reckling and others for reporting this!) [94724]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_tickets_plus_woo_get_attendees`, `tribe_tickets_plus_hide_attendees_list_optout`
* Tweak - Removed actions: `wootickets_generate_ticket_attendee`
* Tweak - Changed views: `login-to-purchase`, `tpp/attendees-list-optout`
* Language - 2 new strings added, 60 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 14 obsoleted
* Fix - Make sure Stock is updated accordingly based on total sales when updating capacity [93601]
* Fix - Resolved bug where "Purchase limit" field was not saving correctly [92914]
* Fix - Fixed an issue where the wrong number of tickets available would be shown in WooCommerce and Eeasy Digital Downloads purchase forms [71118]
* Tweak - Added filter to change the default value for the option to show attendees on the event, 'tribe_tickets_plus_default_show_attendees_value' [80620]
* Tweak - Prevent EDD from being a provider for front-end Community Tickets, as only WooCommerce is allowed for that [91758]
* Tweak - Updated tooltip text for Capacity settings when using EDD [94042]
* Tweak - Event capacity field will be enabled if never set via Ticket creation form [90823]
* Tweak - Modified warning toggle with tribe prefix [91215]
* Tweak - Avoid printing the SKU ticket fields on frontend forms (e.g. Community Event Tickets) [91208]
* Tweak - Added helper text to selection of ecommerce plugin to clarify what that changes [93919]
* Tweak - Decreased the width of the ticket capacity fields so they're sized more proportionally to the values they hold [93042]
* Tweak - Fixed some typos in names of deprecated properties on the Tribe__Tickets_Plus__Commerce__WooCommerce__Main class [90848]
* Tweak - Resolved problems with importing sale time for tickets [92936]
* Language - 2 new strings added, 24 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted