The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0

Download The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.
* Feature - Add two new filters to extend custom fields markup: `tribe_events_pro_before_custom_field_content` and `tribe_events_pro_after_custom_field_content`
* Fix - Fixed a JavaScript error that would occasionally arise when using the "Near:" search input in the Tribe Bar on non-Map views [116172]
* Fix - List only enabled views on the "Default mobile view" option. Thanks to wescole, John Meuse and others for reporting! [114807]
* Tweak - Ensure calls to the Google Maps Geocoding API are not made unless an API key supporting that is present [115937]
* Tweak - Make sure Geolocation search features are only accessible and visible when a Google API key that supports those features is present [115862]
* Tweak - Added `tribe_events_pro_geocode_addresses` filter to allow for disabling of Google Maps API geocoding using Google Maps API key [114171]
* Language - 26 new strings added, 175 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 25 obsoleted
* Fix - Prevent broken and low-resolution Google Maps if user has not provided a Google Maps API key of their own by providing our own fallback API key [114442]
* Fix - Prevent duplicate events from being created on the first date of a series, thanks to Mathew for the detailed instructions to reproduce [113352]
* Fix - Only load widget assets when widget is active on the page [113141]
* Fix - Saving of widgets so that it completes the process and changes JSON-LD on first load save, thanks to Mathew and Craig for the report [107120,105176]
* Fix - Ensure that custom month recurrence rules (e.g. "every three months") are respected, and the events are generated on the correct dates (thanks to @applegateconnect and others for reporting this!) [92946]
* Tweak - Combine widget css into a single css file, still using widget-calendar-pro-style has the handle [113141]
* Tweak - Move Google Maps API loading to tribe_assets and only load once on single views and Map View when PRO is active, thanks to info2grow first reporting [112221]
* Tweak - Added localization variables to scripts over the mini calendar widget, in order to avoid warnings when used on non events pages [113524]
* Deprecated - `tribe_events_pro_google_maps_api` in favor of using `tribe_events_google_maps_api`
* Deprecated - Removed empty function `tribe_ecp_uninstall` [26664]
* Fix - When using "Once" recurring rule, events were not being updated correctly. Thanks to @lasandia, Cynthia Giles and others for flagging this! [110006]
* Fix - Fixed duplicate parameters in week view when using the shortcode [110284]
* Fix - Modify resource url function to work in mu-plugin directory, thanks to Doug for reporting it [86104]
* Fix - Correct behavior when using "day-of-month" recurrence rules, thanks to SiteCrafting for reporting this! [75258]
* Tweak - Improve the translatability of recurrence description text by making generic words like "day", "weeks", "year", etc. translatable in more contexts [106561]
* Tweak - Update the warning message for users who are breaking an event from the series, adding a note about possible 404s. Thanks Robert for reporting [72070]
* Tweak - Move the WordPress Custom Fields Metabox show|hide settings to The Events Calendar [109815]