The Events Calendar Pro 7.0.0

Download The Events Calendar Pro 7.0.0 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.


4.3 is out. please update ASAP.
Events Calendar PRO 4.3
  • Feature — Added the [tribe_events] shortcode to allow for the rendering of event views anywhere shortcodes are allowed!
  • Feature — Introduces support for enhanced logging
  • Tweak — Added the “All Events” link on top of all recurring events view
  • Tweak — Made the redirect URL used when a recurring event cannot be found filterable (props: @logoscreative)
  • Deprecated — Deprecated various disused functions that were built around the Meta Factory
  • Deprecated — Tribe__Events__Pro__Templates__Single_Organizer::setup_upcoming_events() has been deprecated

Gee Wiz

Master Grower
Do u have the others. the 8 Add Ons to this like facebook events, tickets.......

I am also wondering if you might have these @Apanha? I remember back before the site crashed last year they were available as I had downloaded them, but they are all surely outdated by now..

I have been considering purchasing the Tickera bundle package (Tickera - WordPress event ticketing system). I really like that plugin and the add-ons; especially the option to send physical printed tickets...



Staff member
Yes we had before but November all add-ons licenses expired and i didn't renewed.
I don't have them


new version out.. ....
  • Fix - Restore correct ordering of event lists (our thanks to Jonathan Vogel-Borne and others for highlighting this issue)
please update. thanks

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