The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0

Download The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.
* Fix - Avoid loading the same CSS file twice. [CE-13]
* Fix - Correct pagination on shortcodes when the date parameter has been set. [ECP-362]
* Fix - Properly observe the disabling of JSON-LD output on widget blocks in the block editor. [TEC-4077]
* Tweak - Ensure the `Hide location search` setting doesn't get applied on the Event Manager page. [ECP-948]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 1 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Feature - Hook into new TEC subscribe to calendar functionality to adapt for shortcodes. [TEC-4131]
* Language - 1 new strings added, 58 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 1 obsoleted
* Feature - Add a `Mini Calendar` block that is based on the `Mini Calendar` widget to the block editor which users can drag around to any position they want it to appear. [ECP-974]
* Feature - Add event status options of scheduled, canceled, and postponed with display of the latter two on Pro views and widgets. [TEC-3465]
* Tweak - Update the `Calendar Manager` label to `Events Manager` under the general event settings page in order to have a consistent nomenclature of features. [ECP-955]
* Fix - Ensure the Calendar Manager link isn't inserted into inappropriate pages. [ECP-982]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 16 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 1 obsoleted