The Events Calendar Pro 6.4.0

Download The Events Calendar Pro 6.4.0 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.
Fix - Reverted Geolocalization changes made on Version `4.4.24`, will revisit the issue in future release
Fix - Prevent fatals and 500 errors from happening because of `undefined function tribe_get_global_query_object()` due to mismatch of the required The Events Calendar versions
* Fix - Resolved problems with photo view pagination (paging through past events was not working as expected - our thanks to Matt on the forums for flagging this) [99026]
* Fix - Improved performance in relation to map view (by altering queries triggered by the `get_min_max_coords()` method - our thanks to Fred McNaughton, Jeremy Felt and other for highlighting this) [93101]
* Fix - Altered the way recurring event URLs are generated so they are unique even if they take place on the same day (our thanks to moonsrarebooks on the forums for drawing our attention to this issue) [99249]
* Fix - Ensured that iCal exports from embedded event views (ie, generated by the `[tribe_events]` shortcode) are consistent with exports from our regular views [99176]
* Fix - Resolved inconsistencies between the mobile version of regular week view and week view when generated by the `[tribe_events]` shortcode (our thanks to Thomas for highlighting this problem) [79770]
* Fix - Corrected the export of upcoming events from single organizer pages [70727]
* Tweak - Replaced direct references to $wp_query global with new `tribe_get_global_query_object()` function to mitigate errors on sites with plugins or themes that manipulate that global directly (thanks @archetypalsxe for highlighting this issue!) [100199]
* Tweak - Clarify helper text for 'Front-end recurring event instances toggle' option [42433]
* Tweak - Improve the detection of venues that need geolocation information (props to @timmy12969 and many others in the forums for highlighting this issue!) [98371]
* Tweak - Display past events on single venue view [97772]
* Tweak - Decrease `z-index` value on the Week view [40468]