The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0

Download The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.
* Fix - Create instance variables until plugins are loaded, to allow translations on each variable [95026]
* Fix - Add data attributes to the container created by the shortcode, to allow JS events to work and other attributes from main events page to be attached to the shortcode template [91855]
* Fix - Restored ability to query Google and obtain the longitude and latitude of venues (our thanks to @themal and many others for flagging this problem) [97210]
* Tweak - Distance filter now is displayed as soon as there's a value on the location field [91855]
* Tweak - Trigger an event `map-created.tribe` when a map instance is created
* Tweak - Add link to the API tab when the Google Maps API limit is reached [89761]
* Tweak - Add routes with `tribe_events_rewrite_rules_custom` filter instead of `generate_rewrite_rules` [95026]
* Tweak - Improved validation of the "Week Day Format" option in the Display settings so that blank values are no longer accepted [94725]
* Fix - Modified the plugin's logic of hiding subsequent recurring events to avoid SQL errors under some conditions (props @garrettjohnson) [96769]
* Tweak - Made the caching of Map View's geofence data more consistent in terms of when it invalidates; this should improve performance (props to many users reporting details of this issue in the forums!) [93177]
* Tweak - Altered means of displaying the date within the countdown widget's settings to remove the potential for uncaught exceptions (our thanks to Otto for highlighting this problem) [96368]
* Tweak - Added filter `tribe_geoloc_pre_get_min_max_coords` to let plugins override the min/max coords logic to avoid hitting MySQL [93520]
* Tweak - Ensure Geo_Loc::get_min_max_coords always returns an array, to prevent potential JS errors for properties that are not defined or a variable that is not an object [93520]
* Fix - Restore correct ordering of event lists