The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0

Download The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.
* Fix - Select2 for Widget filtering allows Searching correctly again [93598]
* Fix - Altered the collapse_sql logic to avoid SQL errors relating to query ordering (our thanks to Luke Kenny for flagging this problem) [90574]
* Fix - Added code to avoid running the min/max coordinates query when event IDs are available (doing so resulted in database errors - props @afragen) [94135]
* Fix - Fixed an issue that would generate warnings on PHP 7.1+ (props to @tanumstrand) [79033]
* Fix - Fixed a typo in the Event List widget options [94395]
* Fix - Prevent a fatal if a non-truthy value is passed when calling `tribe_is_recurring_event()` [94321]
* Fix - Fixed strtotime() warnings on recurring events created past the last advance limit, props to Zoe for bringing this up [71121]
* Fix - Resolved an issue preventing us from using the correct singular or plural form for years within the recurrence UI (our thanks to websource for flagging this problem) [93685]
* Fix - Fixed an issue with the [tribe_events] shortcode's Day View where it wouldn't paginate unless the Tribe Bar was activated (props to @socialspdlc-org for highlighting this issue) [94761]
* Fix - Fixed some recurring event meta data-related code that would sometimes produce PHP notices when viewing events that recurred yearly (thanks @alistek for reporting this bug) [91508]
* Fix - Fixed the mini calendar widget and shortcode's pagination to ensure that each month shows a correct list of events (thanks to @kdr4phtc for reporting this) [91575]
* Tweak - Added Google Maps API key to all Google Maps URLs when the key is available, allowing maps to load more reliably on some hosting environments (props to @sfdfortnight, @thor, and many others for reporting this!) [62910]
* Tweak - Modified recurrence dependency trigger to work with events with no ID [91215]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 135 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 1 obsoleted
* Fix - Prevent JS error when adding a Pro widget in the WP Customizer screen [72127]
* Fix - Improved location search suggestions by ensuring all events are contained within the geo bounds [84757]
* Fix - Resolved PHP notice that occurred on Community Tickets Add Event page when this plugin is active [90768]
* Fix - Improved the handling of Daylight Savings Time when saving recurring events, so that each event in a series displays the correct timezone abbreviation (props: @airdrummer and others) [68685]
* Fix - Added safety checks to improve the robustness of our recurring events logic when unexpected conditions are met (our thanks to Matt Sloan, Nathan Baldwin and others for highlighting this) [84366]
* Fix - Improve shortcode pagination/view change url so it is reusable (props: @der.chef and others) [70021]
* Language - 1 new string added, 80 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Feature - Add link to the featured image in the Advanced List widget. New filter introduced to control this: `tribe_events_list_widget_featured_image_link` (props to @cabadaj007 for the feature request) [88521]
* Tweak - Add the possibility of importing Venue Overwrite Coordinates in Aggregator (thanks Christopher Curry for reporting) [84393]