The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0

Download The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.
* Fix - Avoid fatal when `tribe_get_global_query_object` is called too early. [BTRIA-1556]
* Fix - Fix for recursion error in `Provisional_Post_Cache`, looping on the `ID_Generator::current()` call. [ECP-1432]
* Fix - Fixes `Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot increment WP_Post in ...Series/Autogenerated_Series.php on line 359` when unintentionally incrementing WP_Post object in PHP 8. [ECP-1427]
* Fix - Adds support for `series` repository arguments in Tribe__Events__Pro__Repositories__Event. [ECP-1417]
* Fix - Prevent problems with international date formats for the timepicker causing Events to be saved with the incorrect Start and End date. [ECP-1352]
* Fix - Prevent fatals when using Widgets in a Shortcode [ECP-1434]
* Fix - Correct the override template pathing for the series templates. [ECP-1400]
* Tweak - Add aria label to Google Maps iFrame embed to improve accessibility. [TEC-4404]
* Tweak - Update the recurrence deletion notice copy to help users make clear and informed decisions about removing recurrences. [ECP-1413]
* Tweak - Add some context for abbreviated day translations. [ECP-1430]
* Tweak - Changed views: `custom-tables-v1/components/icons/series`, `custom-tables-v1/components/series-relationship-icon-link-pill`, `custom-tables-v1/components/series-relationship-icon-link`, `custom-tables-v1/components/series-relationship-icon`, `custom-tables-v1/components/series-relationship-marker-link`, `custom-tables-v1/recurrence/hide-recurring`, `custom-tables-v1/single/series-relationship-marker`, `v2/map/map/google-maps/default`, `v2/venue/meta/map`, `v2/widgets/shortcodes/components/after`, `v2/widgets/shortcodes/components/before`, `v2/widgets/shortcodes/components/title`
* Language - 10 new strings added, 3 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 6 obsoleted
* Version - Events Calendar PRO 6.0.4 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.0.5 and higher
* Feature - Reorganization of Event Settings. [TCMN-149]
* Fix - Prevent events from outside a series from showing on the series summary page. [ECP-1372]
* Fix - Fix a query issue where getting Event taxonomy terms would compromise the following query results. [ECP-1416]
* Fix - Avoid array access errors when adding a date exclusions to recurrence rules. [ECP-1419]
* Deprecation - `Tribe__Events__Pro__Main::filter_settings_tab_fields()`.
* Language - 78 new strings added, 231 updated, 3 fuzzied, and 22 obsoleted.