The Events Calendar Pro 6.3.3

Download The Events Calendar Pro 6.3.3 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.
Feature – Move all the featured event icons to templates. [ECP-419]
Tweak – Remove events with no venue from map view. Allow override via the `tribe_events_pro_map_view_show_events_with_no_venue` filter. [EXT-169]
Tweak – Use Tribe Common implementation of Shortcodes for consistency with Extensions requirements. [TCMN-56]
Tweak – change text in map view tooltip when venue has incomplete or unmappable address info. [EXT-170]
Language – 1 new strings added, 61 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 2 obsoleted
* Feature - Add "fast-forward" link to week view when no events are shown. [TEC-3400]
* Feature - Add `tribe_events_views_v2_use_ff_link` and `tribe_events_views_v2_{$this->slug}_use_ff_link` filters to allow control of the link. [TEC-3400]
* Tweak - Improved on meta data handling of for Blocks editor.
* Tweak - Deprecate Select2 3.5.4 in favor of SelectWoo
* Tweak - Load plugin text domain on the new `tribe_load_text_domains` action hook, which fires on `init` instead of on the `plugins_loaded` hook. [ECP-397]
* Fix - Prevent Blocks editor from throwing browser alert when leaving the page without any changes applied to the edited post.
* Fix - Prevent PHP errors from happening during bulk activation or deactivation of the plugin [TCMN-53]
* Fix - The text domain on Week View no results messages so they can be translated. [ECP-356]
* Fix - The text domain in the top bar of the Photo, Week, and Map view to make the text translatable. [ECP-387]
* Fix - Correct the text domain in the dropdown for the Photo, Week, and Map view to make the text translatable. [ECP-355]
* Fix - Venues with addresses that cannot be resolved to a latitude and longitude will now show as w/o address in Map view [ECP-388]
* Fix - Correct some views text domains for proper translation. [TEC-3390]
* Language - 12 new strings added, 128 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
* Fix - Always show all recurring events on /all view even if `Recurring event instances` is checked. [ECP-327].
* Fix - Correct calls on liveFilterUpdate to ensure they all handle the new string value appropriately. [FBAR-83]
* Fix - Make sure Recurrence settings on our configuration page are displayed in the correct order, was being displayed at the bottom of the page [ECP-348]
* Fix - Customizer accent color affects featured line and text. [TEC-3277]
* Fix - Update events, venues, and organizers to use dynamic labels. [ECP-358]
* Tweak - Removed filters: `tribe_events_pro_css_version`
* Tweak - Changed views: `v2/map/event-cards/event-card`, `v2/map/event-cards/event-card/actions/details-spacer`, `v2/map/event-cards/event-card/actions/details`, `v2/map/map/no-venue-modal`, `v2/recurrence/hide-recurring`, `v2/week/day-selector/days/day`, `v2/week/grid-body/multiday-events-row-header/multiday-events-row-header-toggle`
* Language - 7 new strings added, 80 updated, 2 fuzzied, and 6 obsoleted