The Events Calendar Pro 7.3.0

Download The Events Calendar Pro 7.3.0 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.
Fix — Prevent notices on wp-login.php page from Customizer-related code.
Fix — Now tooltips are showing on week view for the [tribe_events] shortcode (thanks to forum user @jacob for reporting this).
Fix — Make the “Find out more” string in the mobile week view translatable (thanks to user @saloni for highlighting this in our forums).
Fix — Changes to ensure valid HTML is output from the single venue page (thanks to forum user @Reinhard for reporting this).
  • Fix - Resolved a Fatal using function return value in write context (5.2 compatibility) [68387]
= [4.3.1] 2016-10-20 =

* Fix - Pagination links on Week view are updating correctly [67977]
* Tweak - Only load This Week Widget Resources when the widget or shortcode is on a page (props to @stratejusinc) [63921]
* Tweak - Added AJAX on Select2 for Widgets, improving performance. [66130]
* Tweak - Added plugin file path constant.
* Tweak - Registered plugin as active with Tribe Common. [66657]
* Fix - Allow pagination and control over the posts per page on the single venue view (thanks to @R for reporting this one) [62857]
* Tweak - Open recurrence exclusion rules by default on reload of admin[64289]