* Add: Quick edit feature
* Add: Import export feature for Builder layouts
* Add: Mobile menu hamburger icon customize option
* Tweak: Make row module options auto apply
* Tweak: Implement timeout for parallax scrolling element
* Tweak: Replace parallax js with rellax js
* Tweak: Allow Builder data migrator to update entire network
* Fix: Callout module action button color doesnt work
* Fix: Compatibility issue with AMP plugin
* Fix: ScrollTo anchor position no longer scrolls below sticky header
* Fix: Extra quotation mark in front rel link causes errors
* Fix: Custom 404 page conflicts with tag archive
* Fix: Parallax scrolling doesnt work if combined with entrance animation
* Fix: Make Builder data updater available for the entire network
* Fix: Backend tablet layout doesnt hold the settings
* Fix: Conflict with TinyMCE Advanced Plugin
* Fix: Yoast SEO compatibility issue
* Fix: ScrollTo anchor position no longer scrolls below sticky header
* Fix: Slider image height doesnt resize proportionally on mobile
* Fix: Frontend editor not load shortcode styles
* Fix: Parallax scrolling doesnt if combined with entrance animation
* Fix: Multiple Builder content not loads generated CSS
* Fix: Doesnt work with very old data
* Fix: Themify popup content shows blank on WooCommerce Shop page
* Fix: Backend tablet layout doesnt hold the settings
* Fix: Role access doesnt work
* Fix: Yoast SEO doesnt scan Builder static content if editor is in visual mode
* Fix: Turn on Builder scrolls page to top
* Fix: Column styling zooming background mode doesnt work
* Fix: Timeline graph layout not working
* Fix: Cant turn on Builder due to large Builder HTML and some servers block it
* Fix: Fullwdith row JS dont work on third-party themes
* Fix: Developer Club member addon update
* Fix: Builder cant turn on some servers
* Fix: Row cannot collapse if set to full height
* Fix: Sub columns dont hold setting when logged out
* Fix: Search slider is hidden inside Builder modules
* Fix: Custom 404 page conflicts with tag archive
* Fix: If not plugin active causing PHP error
* Fix: Preselect disable audio in row video background
* Fix: When sidebar is locked the bottom "+" module popup is not centered
* Fix: The column placeholders appear as full heigh in backend
* Fix: Content showing in WooCommerce variation
* Fix: ScrollTo anchor position no longer scrolls below sticky header
* Fix: Remove unnecessary image files
* Fix: Text module icon insertion
* Fix: Font color styling doesnt work on Icon module
* Fix: Customizer CSS expander not saving
* Fix: Best fit option for background removed
* Fix: Disable cache with role access enabled Builder frontend
* Fix: Tab module causes JS error with empty tab data
* Fix: On Safari hovering over the accordion shows a dark overlay
* Fix: Undefined property meta key
* Fix: Layout parts columns option not available on the front end
* Fix: The visual text tab on Text module editor is missing active state styling