Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13

Download Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13 from nulled fire. Total is a modern and responsive WordPress theme that combines the power of the WordPress Customizer
Support for WooCommerce 3.0
ADDEDNew Customizer settings for WooCommerce ( Product Gallery lightbox style, product gallery thumbnails count, product gallery zoom checkbox…)
ADDEDAbility to hide rows for logged in or logged out users or based on a custom function (to integrate with 3rd party restriction plugins)
ADDEDCSS Tab to Pricing Total Module for adding background, padding, border on the whole element
ADDEDNew filter “wpex_has_footer_bottom” for conditionally disabling the footer bottom via a child theme
ADDEDCheck to make sure Topbar is not sticky while in the Visual Composer front-end editor
ADDEDNew filter ‘wpex_single_portfolio_media_lightbox’ so you can disable lightbox on the portfolio media images if enabled
ADDEDOption to image slider module to disable image stretching – screenshot
ADDEDThe ‘wpex_hook_site_logo_inner’ hook to the Custom Actions panel
ADDEDAbility to remove all total WooCommerce tweaks/styling – snippet
ADDEDSupport for PDF’s for attachment pages so when you visit a PDF from the WP media library it will show on the page
ADDEDCustom cropping to thumbnails used in Total VC image modules. Previously it would grab the thumbnail size but if one isn’t defined or it’s very large then the thumbnails could take a long time to load, by cropping them to 80px by default it makes the modules faster to open/edit
ADDEDCSS to disable VC row video backgrounds on mobile since mobile devices can’t auto play videos – will display row background image/color instead
ADDEDAbility to reverse the next/previous post order
ADDEDNew Global settings for next/previous links to the Customizer under General Theme Options > Next & Previous Linksscreenshot
ADDEDNew filter “wpex_has_vc_mods” which can be used to remove all the theme’s css, mods, extensions for the Visual Composer if you want to
UPDATEDVisual Composer Plugin
UPDATEDSlimmer image slider arrows
UPDATED WooCommerce styling options in the customizer to be live (doesn’t refresh the Customizer window when changing the settings)
UPDATED Optimized and dramatically slimmed down the javascript for Total’s Customizer live preview (when changing colors, margins, paddings)
UPDATEDTestimonials company & author fields for Total VC modules to support html in the field
UPDATEDRenamed owlCarousel script to wpexOwlCarousel to prevent conflicts with plugins loading older versions of the script
FIXEDIssue with milestone URL displaying above milestone
FIXEDRight Float Columns setting in Row options not working when equal heights was enabled
FIXEDSingle Image Video Lightbox icon not displaying when enabled
FIXEDMissing Copyright info and footer bottom menu when using Footer Builder
FIXEDIssue where the Overlay Header Logo would override even if the Overlay Header was disabled
FIXEDBug with page header title set to hidden showing up on archives (homepage, categories, tags)
FIXEDIssue with the front-end builder not working when using a Page ID for the topbar and it included Total VC icon boxes or testimonial modules
FIXEDIssues with content alignments and equal heights when using Visibility settings
FIXEDIssue where the VC row float columns setting wasn’t visible in the front-end editor
FIXEDIssue with font size reseting when editing a module that is using the auto responsive font size setting
FIXEDIssues with trying to drag duplicate modules within inner VC rows
FIXEDIssue with not being able to disable date/author/comment/ in the VC grid builder Post Meta module
FIXEDIssue when using the “equal-height-content” class in the Visual Composer
FIXEDIssue with duplicate ‘wpex-video-bg-wrap’ class when adding self hosted video backgrounds
FIXEDIssue with testimonial “company” not showing on the testimonials slider module
REMOVED Default 30px bottom margin on Top Icon Box style for consistency with other icon box styles
Unknown changelog
Unknown changelog