Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13

Download Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13 from nulled fire. Total is a modern and responsive WordPress theme that combines the power of the WordPress Customizer
AddedThe Post Cards “Query Type” options have been updated to include “WooCommerce Featured Products” and “WooCommerce On Sale Products”.
AddedYou can now use the classname “flip-dropdown” on a menu item so that the menu dropdown opens to the left incase it’s the last dropdown to prevent it from overflowing.
AddedYou can now select ” Full Height” for the Gutenberg Query Loop Post Template block style.
AddedYou can now select “Numbers Only” for the Gutenberg Query Pagination block style.
AddedNew options added to the Toggle Group element.
AddedNew option “Bring to Front” added for Section/Row Dividers. When enabled it adds a z-index to the divider so that it’s placed on top of any content.
AddedYou can now choose the default ordering for the Post Series via the Customizer (ASC or DESC).
UpdatedSlider Revolution Plugin & Total Theme Core.
UpdatedOptimized the javascript used when opening modal windows (lightbox, mobile menu, search overlay) to work better when the user has visible scrollbars enabled on their computer.
UpdatedThe Multi-buttons element has been updated to reduce the amount of default CSS needed for the element.
UpdatedThe capabilities for the Color Palette, Custom Cards, Dynamic Templates and Font Manager have been updated so only admins can access these (previously they were visible for editors but not actually accessible which was confusing).
UpdatedThe Card Settings metabox icon popup selector design has been updated.
UpdatedYou can now use the “local-scroll-link” classname on toggle element buttons.
UpdatedWhen clicking on local scroll links that go to WPBakery tabs the theme will now open the tab then scroll to it.
UpdatedOn multi-sites if you’ve activated the theme license on the main site the theme will now hide the theme license page from all sub-sites to prevent confusion. You can now also access the theme license panel in the Network admin under Themes > Total Theme License when the theme is enabled on the primary site.
FixedWhen using the masonry grid the items may not have been shown in their correct order.
FixedOverlay, Advanced Parallax and Self hosted videos were not working for the “Section” element.
FixedGutenberg default loop styles were not rendering correctly.
FixedThere were some issues with the alignfull and alignwide classes when used on inner blocks as well as when using the boxed site layout.
FixedLightbox was not working for Gutenberg galleries because of changes in the core block.
FixedThere was a bug when dragging items in the WPBakery front-end editor that could cause the selected item icon to displace making it a bit hard to drag things around.
FixedWhen using stretched rows with stretched content the content could potentially overflow when scrollbars are visible on the page.
FixedBorders were not showing in the sidebar mobile menu when disabling the Dark Surface.
  • AddedNew Demo (Mcgill).
  • Added“Flex Items / Horizontal Scroll” option now available for the display type Post Cards element setting.
  • Added“Preload” option added to the Font Manager when registering custom fonts for each font variation (learn more about preloading fonts from Google).
  • Added“Simple Show/Hide” Filter Mode option now available for the Navigation Bar element as an alternative to the default Isotope style filter (supports the Modern CSS grid and sequential CSS animations).
  • AddedFetchPriority option to the Total Image element.
  • AddedYou can now use “{{post_title}}” within your theme button text to display the post tile (for use primarily with custom cards).
  • AddedNew customizer option added to control the Toggle Bar bottom border width when set to the Inline style.
  • AddedNew customizer options added to enable/disable the Mobile menu “Dropdown” style top/bottom borders.
  • AddedYou can now display a Custom Field value when using the Post Meta element.
  • AddedYou can now enter a custom top margin for the Post Cards pagination.
  • UpdatedThe header logo image now has a “fetchpriority” attribute of “high” which can help render the logo quicker and increase page speed scores. Note: This modern attribute is currently only supported by certain browsers like Chrome and Edge. (learn more).
  • UpdatedThe Post Cards featured image alt attribute will revert to the post title if the image doesn’t have an alt to prevent accessibility issues.
  • UpdatedYou can now define your “Frontend Editor Width” when creating custom cards with Elementor.
  • UpdatedOptimized the CSS loading of the WPBakery tabs and accordions so it loads in the wp_head instead of wp_footer to prevent FOUC and prevent potential CLS issues.
  • UpdatedWhen adding Custom Fonts via the Font Manager you can now choose from standard web-ready fonts in the Customizer and theme elements (such as System UI, Georgia, Verdana…etc), previously you could only choose from your custom fonts.
  • FixedIt wasn’t possible to edit posts using a dynamic template via the frontend editor.
  • FixedPHP error when using the Page Animations along with the Elementor plugin.
  • FixedSticky Header not working with the Header builder.
  • FixedThere was an issue with the Icon Box element where if there was an image set but the image didn’t exist it would still try and display it.
  • FixedYou couldn’t set your font weight and text transform for the Text block element.
  • FixedThe theme visibility setting wasn’t rendering for core WPBakery elements.
  • FixedIssues with custom element settings not working when added via the WPBakery vc_add_param function.
  • FixedThe Sticky navigation bar was not respecting your custom mobile menu breakpoint.
  • FixedSpace missing between the post meta label and value in the Post Meta element.
  • FixedLocal scroll offset was not working correctly when using a sticky header menu with the new option to enable sticky header on mobile.
  • FixedThe Toggle Bar was not showing when using the “Remember State” option and the “total_togglebar_state” cookie wasn’t yet set on the page.
  • FixedThere was an “undefined index” debug error when using the Testimonials Slider element in 5.5.1.