Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13

Download Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 5.13 from nulled fire. Total is a modern and responsive WordPress theme that combines the power of the WordPress Customizer
  • AddedNew Color Palette functionality and improved Color selector for Total WPBakery elements to allow you to select the theme accent color or other predefined colors (view docs).
  • AddedSpan shortcode so you can easily wrap any text inside a span using theme utility classes. This is to provide a way to insert classes where HTML may not be allowed (sample screenshot).
  • AddedCSS Animation Delay setting to Total elements to allow staggered animations.
  • AddedPreview for the Image Grid, Image Slider, Image Carousel and Gallery Slider elements for the backend editor to quickly see the selected images.
  • AddedOption to the Image Grid module to Vertical Align images when using the default (Fit Rows) grid style (top/center/bottom) – this is useful when displaying Logos for example where each one may have a different height.
  • Added“Icon Only” style for the back to top button.
  • AddedAbility to use the Featured Image for a column background.
  • AddedItalic, line-height and letter spacing settings to the Custom Field element.
  • AddedLine-height option to the List Item element.
  • AddedExtra classname option to the Form Shortcode element.
  • AddedOption to the Categories/Terms Grid element to disable the links to each archive.
  • AddedInner div around related posts image and text so if you want to add an equal height background to your related entries it’s possible.
  • AddedExtra checks to the footer widgets so if a footer widget area is empty it won’t be added to the html.
  • AddedDescription field and Spacing option (space between input and button) to the Newsletter v2 widget.
  • AddedShadow option for the Image element.
  • AddedNew Subheading parameter for WPBakery to help separate long element setting tabs (screenshot).
  • AddedCode to prevent the WPGlobus translation plugin from trying to translate theme color settings.
  • AddedAbility to select 6 columns for the footer widgets.
  • AddedAlternative Styles for the Author Bio module so when you are creating custom post templates you can choose from different designs instead of having to use the theme default style and when choosing an alternative style you will have the ability to change the styling (padding, border, background, etc) as well as the avatar size and border radius.
  • AddedSeparate Mobile menu close aria-label setting.
  • AddedOptions to the Business Info widget to enable/disable the icons and to select a custom bottom margin between items.
  • AddedAbility to add a description/text to the mobile menu icons menu items (screenshot).
  • AddedSetting to the Before/After Image and Image Swap elements so you can display images based on custom fields so it can be used with dynamic templates and added a preview in the backend-editor to display the selected images for quick reference.
  • AddedBorder Radius setting, “Spaced Out” layout style and “Expand Links” settings to the Navigation Bar element.
  • AddedSetting to the Milestone and Percentage bar elements to re-trigger the animation every time the element is scrolled into view, by default it will only animate on first view.
  • AddedSettings to the Navigation Bar to select the side/bottom margin between links, button padding and line-height.
  • AddedSetting to the Page Title element for “Before text” which can be useful for example if you are using the element for a category template where you may want to add “Category:” before the title.
  • AddedSettings to the Post Content element (css animation, extra class, color, line-height, font weight, letter spacing, width, align).
  • AddedOrderby setting to the Image Grid and Image carousel elements.
  • AddedSupport for the Slider Revolution Post Featured Slider premium addon.
  • AddedCustomizer settings to choose a custom color, background and dimensions for your Social Share Buttons (the custom color and background will only be visible when choosing the “Custom” style).
  • AddedCustomizer settings to choose a custom background and color for the Full-Screen mobile menu style.
  • AddedCustomizer settings to control the header menu hover/active underline (when enabled) so you can alter the color and height.
  • AddedCustomizer setting under General Theme Option > Links & Buttons to control the hover color of headings with links, such as post entry titles that are both headings and have a link to the post, by default the hover displays your link color. You can use this setting to control those hover colors independently.
  • AddedCustomizer settings to disable the page header title on the blog, portfolio, staff, testimonial archives. This way if you are using a dynamic template that has its own title you can disable the theme’s.
  • AddedCustomizer settings to disable the page header title for Learn Dash post types.
  • AddedSetting to the Social Links widget to select the spacing between icons.
  • AddedCustomizer Setting for Breadcrumbs to enable/disable the ending title.
  • AddedCustomizer settings for the Page Title overlay opacity and background color when setting the Global page header style to “Background Image”.
  • AddedCustomizer setting to change the background color for the search overlay.
  • Added“Admin Thumbnails” checkbox for the Post Types Unlimited plugin in the “Theme Settings – General” tab so you can enable the display of post thumbnails in the admin.
  • UpdatedRevslider, WPBakery, Templatera and Total Theme Core.
  • UpdatedTheme grids (wpex-row class, not WPBakery rows) to use flex styles by default which allows greater flexibility and it greatly slims down code needed for custom columns at different breakpoints by not requiring float clearing (this will also make your blog entries when using a “grid” style to be equal height by default).
  • UpdatedSome card styles to use Flex displays so they will have an equal height design by default (Before/After sample video).
  • UpdatedImproved Link settings for the Icon Box, Image and Button elements (screenshot)
  • UpdatedOverlay/Transparent Header would automatically switch to Header style 1 if using header styles 2, 3 or 4 which caused some confusion and didn’t allow the end user to make use of the Overlay Header with those styles, the theme will no longer do this.
  • UpdatedVarious Total WPBakery Elements to have a new “Style” tab to better organize some settings.
  • UpdatedTheme CSS used to target the custom dropdown shadow styles to ensure it doesn’t get applied to other ul lists potentially added in the header or the toggle mobile menu style.
  • UpdatedSome Theme Panel subpages to use the “edit_theme_options” capability so if a user has the ability to use the WP customizer they can also access these pages.
  • UpdatedVarious Total element WPBakery editor field descriptions to show what is allowed in the field (text, shortcodes, callback function, html, px, em…etc)
  • UpdatedTheme Icon Box Element to have more settings under the URL (renamed to Link) tab to allow for lightbox image, lightbox gallery, lightbox videos, local scroll and popup links.
  • UpdatedTotal Theme Button element so if the content is empty the button isn’t added to the page, this is to allow the button to be conditionally shown via a custom field only if the field isn’t empty.
  • UpdatedLoad More javascript to run on document.ready instead of window.load and separated the script variable added via wp_localize_script so it’s only added to the page if needed.
  • UpdatedTheme Slider thumbnail pointer to use the accent color instead of red.
  • UpdatedTotal WPBakery element margin and padding fields to allow em, rem and % values.
  • UpdatedTotal WPBakery element font size sanitization to allow rem values.
  • UpdatedDemo Importer so it shows the selected demo screenshot in the popup and modernized the overall design.
  • UpdatedImage element width field to allow percentage, em, rem, vmin, vmax and vw units.
  • UpdatedIcon Box, Font Icon, List Item and Divider Element’s Icon to use flex styles so if a custom height is added the theme doesn’t need to add a line-height as well to center the icon, this also allows for the use of em or rem units in the icon height/width fields.
  • UpdatedForm’s CSS (inputs, text areas) to ensure they inherit their parent containers text alignment.
  • UpdatedThe Categories/Terms Grid and Carousel elements to add a new “Query Type” dropdown so you can select to display terms from the current post or child terms from the current taxonomy (for use with archive dynamic templates).
  • UpdatedFooter Widgets will be available in the Customizer after changing how many are displayed. Previously if you had the footer set to 4 columns and changed it to 5 columns you would need to refresh the customizer to access the new 5th column, now you will be able to access it right away.
  • UpdatedImage Grid and Image Carousel modules to help prevent issues with WPML when using custom links.
  • UpdatedAdded more helpful screen reader text for social share items when the labels are disabled.
  • UpdatedBranding colors for social share and social profile buttons.
  • UpdatedMasonry used on the site to make use of the “horizontalOrder” parameter which tries to properly order your grid in the correct horizontal order, rather then placing items where they fit.
  • UpdatedTotal Bullets element to display the list items in the backend editor for easier reference.
  • UpdatedMoved the Row’s Top Divider and Bottom Divider settings into a singular “Dividers” tab.
  • UpdatedAdded settings to the Post Media element to select what media is allowed (video, audio, image, gallery) and width setting for constraining the element to a max-width.
  • UpdatedThe theme will now automatically add the width and height attributes to your logo image if possible.
  • UpdatedIt’s no longer necessary to define a logo height for the logo when adding a retina image but the setting can still be used to override.
  • UpdatedCSS for main Theme Panel to match the “modern” admin color-scheme when selected.
  • UpdatedCustomizer Icons for the Total theme sections will change color based on the selected admin color scheme.
  • UpdatedThe “Stretch Menu Items?” setting is not also available for header style 5 (centered logo).
  • UpdatedVarious breadcrumbs settings in the Customizer to refresh the whole page incase you are using the breadcrumbs via a template instead of the theme crumbs so you can properly preview the changes.
  • UpdatedTemplate select in the Customizer to use a fancy dropdown with search functionality so you can easily find your template when you have a lot.
  • UpdatedSingle WooCommerce Products to move the rating above the price for consistency with the entries and popular shops like Amazon.
  • UpdatedFunction that disables the WooCommerce action that creates the standard pages on plugin activation so it only runs on activation (this prevents issues with the demo importer) but if you go to WooCommerce > Status > Tools you can still create the pages if needed/wanted.
  • FixedPHP 8 Debug warnings.
  • FixedIssue where you can’t change the Posts per page Customizer setting for Search results when using a custom Template for the search archive.
  • Fixed Custom fonts not working properly with the Animated Text element.
  • FixedDivider Dots module so the right margin on the last item is removed.
  • FixedPost Cards carousel next/prev buttons not clearing floats causing the carousel to overflow over the next element.
  • FixedDynamic Search template not working when adding a post parameter to the search url.
  • FixedCustom Logo button colors being applied to the show/hide password eye icon.
  • FixedDesign Options not working for the Breadcrumbs element.
  • FixedIssues with the Newsletter widget v2 potentially having a button taller than the email input field.
  • FixedGutenberg heading styles not properly applied based on Customizer typography settings.
  • FixedFooter & Header Builder Background color picker showing as standard field not a color selector.
  • FixedIssue with Heading element if the “Add Design to Inner Span” was set to enabled and there was a custom background hover color it wasn’t being applied to the inner element only but rather the whole container.
  • FixedIssue where a retina image wouldn’t be generated if the defined cropping for that image was exactly half the size of the original image (WP limitation – so we added a workaround).
  • FixedImage Slider element not translating images when using WPML media translation.
  • FixedIssues with the [wpml_lang_selector] shortcode.
  • FixedSticky issues in Safari where the sticky top bar or sticky header may have been displayed in the wrong position when scrolling back to the top too quickly or when doing “jerky” scrolling back and forth.
  • FixedContact form 7 notice showing (but empty) during submission.
  • FixedIcon Spacing for the testimonials next/previous links.
  • FixedIssues with Soft Cropping not working correctly for image sizes defined under Theme Panel > Image Sizes.
  • FixedWooCommerce Categories when displayed on the shop not respecting the responsive column settings.
  • FixedCustomizer option to disable the shop added to cart popup not actually disabling it.
  • FixedMilestone text align not swapping sides on RTL.
  • FixedIssue with Navigation Bar element where the font size was slightly smaller then what was defined in the element.
  • FixedPost Types Slider image overlay going over the caption.
  • FixedPost Gallery lightbox on the Post Types Grid showing duplicate images.
  • FixedCentered Logo not centering perfectly when the WooCommerce cart link was added to the menu or if there were any hidden items added to the menu.
  • FixedLine-height issue with the Centered logo and the shrink sticky header.
  • FixedIssue where the Remove Bottom Column Margin WPBakery row setting wouldn’t work if there was also a custom “Inner Column Gap” defined.
  • Removed“Base-Lite” demo and updated/optimized the default Base demo a bit (updated various homepages and slimmed down the number of images used for the demo).
  • RemovedAccent Color and Hover Accent Color on/off Heading element settings. If you had enabled these settings previously they will still work, but the theme will now instead set the custom color and custom hover color fields to “Accent” and the front-end will use inline styles instead of classnames for the display.
  • Removed“White On Hover” Heading element setting which is basically a duplicate field that isn’t needed, if you had this setting enabled previously it will instead make the color_hover parameter equal to #ffffff – also fixes some issues where the setting wouldn’t work when there was a custom color added for the default text.
  • RemovedSetting to disable focus styles on mobile for the mobile menu and updated the CSS so the theme will disable focus styles on the mobile menu close button and arrows by default and make use of the newer :focus-visible pseudo-class to apply focus styles for accessibility.
ADDED: Customizer option to choose your Lightbox skin (light option added).
ADDED: Customizer shadow option for the scroll to top button.
ADDED: Customizer reveal offset option for the scroll to top button so you can choose the distance from the top of the page when scrolling down at which point the button should become visible (you can enter 0 to display button always).
ADDED: Customizer option to set the Sticky Header “Logo Shrunk Font Size” so if you aren’t using an Image based logo you can still have a nicely animated shrink header style by setting the text based logo font size to a smaller value than the default font size.
ADDED: Ability to define a Dynamic template for the Post Series archives via the Customizer.
ADDED: Function and filter “wpex_header_logo_img_class” which returns an array of classes for use with the theme header logo image tag.
ADDED: Function and filter “wpex_header_logo_txt_class” which returns an array of classes for use with the theme header text based logo.
ADDED: “wpex_enqueue_lightbox_scripts” action hook.
ADDED: “has-aside” classname to the .page-header element if the page-header-aside element exists as a child element.
ADDED: “wpex_attachment_video” filter which can be used to filter an attachment’s video.
ADDED: New CSS utility classes for animation and transition-delay (see updated docs).
UPDATED: Total Theme Core to version 1.2.7
UPDATED: WPBakery to version 6.5.0
UPDATED: Revolution slider to version 6.3.3
UPDATED: WPBakery self-hosted video backgrounds to include the “playsinline” attribute and removed CSS used to hide video backgrounds on mobile so they can display.
UPDATED: Total WPBakery post modules so when the Automatic Query is enabled if there aren’t any posts it will display a notice on the frontend that reads “No posts found for your query.” (most useful for custom search results).
UPDATED: The “wpex_social_share_items” function to make it possible to completely override the icons used in the theme’s social share function (sample snippet).
UPDATED: Equal Heights function to trigger a re-layout of the masonry script when used on masonry grids to prevent overlaps.
FIXED: Page header title rendering as a flex element and page-header-aside element being added to the page header area when empty.
FIXED: Missing “site-footer-inner” class from the Total 5.0 update.
FIXED: Issue with Cards API “template” parameter not working when registering custom cards.
FIXED: Issues with SVG images and the Image module.
FIXED: Theme Settings metabox Post Embed field and Post Slider fields not saving.
FIXED: Padding issue on sub-dropdowns parent item on screens under 1280px.
FIXED: Issue where Custom Fonts were not adding the font-style attribute to the CSS causing italics to not work properly.
FIXED: Issue with Video perspective in the Teaser Box module and updated the module.
FIXED: Post Count option not working in the Post Types Unlimited plugin for custom taxonomies.
FIXED: RTL issues with Logo Icon custom right margin.
FIXED: Sticky header offset when the topbar is also sticky but not visible.
FIXED: Potential issues with the page animations functionality in WP 5.6 and certain browsers.
REMOVED: Contact Form 7 from the “recommended” plugins notice so only the bundled plugins are recommended.
ADDED: “wpex_dashboard_thumbnails_post_types” filter which returns an array of post types for the theme to add the “Thumbnail” column to in the admin dashboard.
UPDATED; WPBakery to version 6.4.2
UPDATED: Total Theme Core to version 1.2.6
UPDATED: Slider Revolution to version 6.3.0
UPDATED: Moved javascript for certain Total shortcodes (countdown, skillbar, milestone, before/after image, navbar mobile select, carousels) into their own files to load separately only if needed instead of being included in the vcex-shortcodes.min.js file.
FIXED: Woo Products Carousel (custom) spacing issues.
FIXED: Woo Products Carousel (custom) button not showing if price and title is disabled.
FIXED: “Full-Width on Small Screens” option not working for the Multi-Buttons module when a custom width is specified for the buttons.
FIXED: Can’t translate the heading module “badge” field with WPML.
FIXED: Issue where images that shouldn’t be lazy loaded were being lazy loaded when “Dynamic Resizing” was disabled under Theme Panel > Image Sizes which could cause issues with image sliders and masonry grids.
FIXED: “wpex_mobile_menu_toggle_icon” filter incorrectly named “wpex_get_mobile_menu_toggle_icon” (former filter left as legacy so no changes needed on your end).
FIXED: Not being able to re-enable the “Custom WordPress Gallery” after disabling it in the Theme Panel.