Ultimate Member - Profile Completeness 2.3.0

Download Ultimate Member - Profile Completeness 2.3.0 from nulled fire. Add a robust profile completeness to your community.
* Updated: Dependencies versions based on the recent changes for `UM()->frontend()->enqueue()::get_suffix();`
* Fixed: Made redirect safe
* Fixed: Case when extension isn't active based on dependency, but we can provide the license key field
* Fixed: Getting the user on profile page
* Fixed: Progress bar and completeness widget
* Added: Redirect option after completing your profile
* Fixed: Removed `extract()`
* Fixed: Added `shortcode_atts()`
* Fixed: Fields `billing_state` and `shipping_state` in popup
* Fixed: Issue with lack of the nonces
* Tweak: Standardize the condition for checking not editable fields to `empty( $data['editable'] )`