Ultimate Member - Profile Completeness 2.3.0

Download Ultimate Member - Profile Completeness 2.3.0 from nulled fire. Add a robust profile completeness to your community.
* Added: Hook for restrict text for posting in group
* Added: Restricted text for ForumWP
* Added: Fields validation on save profile progress popup
* Fixed: wp-admin Users screen with progress data
* Tweak: WP5.8 widgets screen compatibility
* Added: Integration with ForumWP
* Added: Filter hook `um_profile_completeness_fields_array_for_titles` for changing fields titles programmatically
* Fixed: Using uppercase symbols in usermeta keys conflicts with `sanitize_key()` function, used `sanitize_text_field()` instead
* Fixed: Integration with User Locations extension
* Tweak: Rewritten the integration with Groups and bbPress extensions
* Fixed: Fields list used for completeness progress fields