Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro 1.5.133

Download Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro 1.5.133 from nulled fire. Unlimited Elements for Elementor will take your website to the next level.
feature: added option authors by dynamic field in post query
bug fix: fixed get posts by terms meta field - add taxonomy
bug fix: fixed responsive css in dynamic loop
bug fix: fixed dynamic loop with jet engine acf fields
bug fix: fixed slider control units for vh, vx and %
change: the uc_id will not change now when page refresh
feature: done some integration with flycart discounts
bug fix: added "before today" for past year in date qury
feature: added option to show post type and post type title in posts fields
Fix: fixed wpml integrate fields
Fix: fixed some write file error, will not crash if happend
Fix: fixed entrance animation js on popup
Fix: fixed strip tags in intro from content
Fix: fixed some php 8.1 issues
Fix: fixed some post intro with html tags issues
Change: do_action function is working now in free version
-change: added some define variable that indicate the under ajax search
-change: added "collect", and "output" to schema types in content accordion widget for example
-feature: added wpml auto translate integration
-feature: added option to select "all taxonomies" in exclude terms in terms selection
-bug fix: preserve tags when truncate
-bug fix: fixed load more with second meta add in post query
-feature: added option - only direct children to terms select include by
-feature: added option to post select to get posts by terms from curent meta field