WC Vendors Pro

Download WC Vendors Pro from nulled fire. WC Vendors Pro The most versatile WooCommerce Multi Vendor Plugin on the Planet.
* Added: Product shipping helper method
* Added: Ability to use SCRIPT_DEBUG for debugging purposes
* Updated: Removed unused code
* Fixed: Tiered commissions not saving #1057
* Fixed: Coupon commission action calculation
* Fixed: Deprecated jQuery load calls in dashboard charts and forms
* Fixed: Store notice set for one vendor displays in all vendor's store #1063
* Fixed: Free shipping coupon commission calculation incorrect #1055
* Fixed: Recalculate commissions not working correctly for coupons or shipping #1051
* Fixed: New vendor products not shown on vendor dashboard in WC3.6.x and above #1067
* Fixed: Commission coupon product price incorrect #1066
* Fixed: SEO title on user edit screen incorrect #1065
* Fixed: Disk usage limit labels incorrect on Product > Form pages #1062
* Fixed: Single Product Tool - Incorrect template being used when editing #1061
* Fixed: Vendor order detail bugs #1059
* Fixed: Vendor Shipping doesn't work with group subscription #1052
* Fixed: Inherit default shipping and return policies #1042
* Fixed: Commission tab inside Product Data box style problem
* Fixed: Country rate table state drop down duplicates (#1047)
* Fixed: Coupon value incorrect for commission calculation #1045
* Fixed: Coupon is applying to all products during commission calculation #1044

* Templates Updated
* Added: Cross sells/upsell to simple and download forms #1015
* Added: Filter for the store address
* Added: Commission filter Thanks Chris!
* Updated: Added details about variables available in the template
* Updated: Policies UI updates #1013
* Update: Store header address #1007
* Updated: WC tested to 3.6.1
* Updated: Wording on widget
* Updated: More style fixes for the My Listing theme support
* Fixed: Vendor List shortcode style issues #1040
* Fixed: Category Select2 messages could not be translated
* Fixed: Signup form hide field issues #1032
* Fixed: Action names on template
* Fixed: Store Address required not working #1033
* Fixed: Recalculate commission method #1034
* Fixed: Product SEO tab not hidden #1010
* Fixed: Store Website / Blog URL not used on front end #1018 (#1028)
* Fixed: Store hours hidden on settings page still show #1017
* Fixed: Price validation fails if no thousands separator set #1012
* Fixed: Attributes tab not hidden #1009
* Fixed: Required attributes not working #1006
* Fixed: Disable add to cart for vacation message #1004
* Fixed: Get vendor id function (#1008)
* Fixed: Vendor order export not reading date ranges #1030
* Fixed: Theme support doesn't support child themes #1016
* Fixed: Approve/Deny emails not firing when pro is enabled
* Fixed: Added translation strings for opening hours table headers
* Added: Option for logout link on dashboard navigation
* Added: Product type to products table
* Added: Filter to adjust opening times options for store settings
* Added: Option to use vertical menu in vendor dashboard
* Updated: Store notice styles the same as vacation notice
* Updated: Tested to 3.5.7 of WooCommerce
* Updated: Recheck and update all select2 fields #992 (#994)
* Updated: styles on mobile
* Updated: Adjusted layout widths on order table page
* Updated: Fixed search form width
* Updated: Version for templates being incorrect
* Fixed: Total sales numbers incorrect in store headers #979
* Fixed: Country in store address in store header #980
* Fixed: Vacation mode showing twice on single product page when header is enabled
* Fixed: Format all commission values to float before calculations
* Fixed: Social media icons widget #983
* Fixed: Product templates not loading custom templates in admin #996
* Fixed: Custom product template not applied to product #1001
* Fixed: Overriding default templates creates second edit button #1002
* Fixed: Error when descriptions set to required and wp_editor #971
* Fixed: Select2 issues on attributes tab #985
* Fixed: Tags aren't saving #989 (#991)
* Fixed: Category walker no longer working #978
* Fixed: Categories checklist validation scroll to #977 (#986)
* Fixed: Required category not highlighting red when validation fails #976 (#984)
* Fixed: Category not saving if single select used #975 (#982)
* Fixed: Dashboard styles not loading for storefront theme support