WC Vendors Pro

Download WC Vendors Pro from nulled fire. WC Vendors Pro The most versatile WooCommerce Multi Vendor Plugin on the Planet.
* Added: Add Privacy Policy to settings #712
* Added: Allow wp_editor on the product templates #926
* Added: Option to have view product open in new window #722
* Updated: Select2 to version 4 #690
* Updated: Added helper notice on user edit screen for comissions
* Updated: Rename Order notes on vendor screens #713
* Fixed: wcv_pro_dashboard shortcode throw an error on saving page #954
* Fixed: Undefined $user on product category screen #959
* Fixed: Notices on commission screen #963
* Fixed: Duplicate setting for ratings #958
* Fixed: Don't display vacation message if it is left blank
* Fixed: Error uploading media #960
* Fixed: Ratings not displaying on vendor dashboard if products deleted
* Fixed: Shipping weight field validation issue #945
* Fixed: Hide min shipping field problem #938
* Fixed: Category commissions on user edit screen #943
* Fixed: Opening hours display issue #941
* Fixed: Missing icons on modals (#940)
* Fixed: Stock values not loaded when editing variations
* Fixed: Seo categories incorrect variable
* Added: Commission tiers system
* Added: Product Category based commission #869
* Added: New modern store header design #930
* Added: New dashboard check method
* Added: New theme support system
* Added: Dashboard wrapper class filter
* Added: Ability to recalculate commissions on order screens #897
* Added: Option for vendors to be able to select their own shipping type #545
* Added: Actions to signup form
* Added: Sync ratings with WooCommerce feedback #902 - Thanks to Andrea Piccart
* Added: File and disk usage limits for vendors #899
* Added: Filter commission arguments #906
* Added: Add form option for store opening hours #884
* Added: "Leave Feedback" buttons on the my-account/downloads page #554
* Updated: Tested to WordPress 5.2.0-Alpha
* Fixed: Product SEO fields missing on new products
* Fixed: Search box styling
* Fixed: Variations not assigned to vendors using WooCommerce import tool
* Fixed: Show state name for shipping panels #924
* Fixed: Prevent blank page after save product.
* Fixed: Stock quantity is formatted as float #914
* Fixed: Variation fields alignment #909
* Fixed: Hide add product button only #912
* Fixed: recent products widget for vendor search
* Fixed: Non property on post object when vendor uses WooCommerce Search
* Fixed: undefined variable in template
* Fixed: Missed arguments #905
* Fixed: Undefined function ratings_link
* Fixed: Feedback Form If star rating is not selected, text is deleted after save #552
* Fixed: Form validation, wrong scroll position on error #893
* Fixed: Product SEO Tab not hiding correctly #896
* Fixed: Allow commas to be used in prices in the pro front-end forms #539
Added: Store social media icons widget
Added: Store ratings widget
Added: Clear button to order filter $566
Added: Add color filter for pie chat colors (#764)
Updated: Filter shipping trackers based on allowed countries #646
Updated: Page titles to increase usability
Updated: Fix filter variations action dropdown (#766)
Updated: Replace all references to ‘Vendor’ #730
Fixed: Shipping tax calculations are not applying to min/max limits #776 (#784)
Fixed: Non-numeric value error with PHP 7.1 and above
Fixed: Variations not showing attributes/variables in product form #767 (#785)
Fixed: SEO Facebook image option still shows even if it is hidden #780 (#783)
Fixed: Added check if variations not defined on product save return from method
Fixed: Shop Coupon showing incorrect vendor column information #774
Fixed: Order Note – vendors cannot view previous order notes #770
Fixed: Shop Description widget doesn’t render HTML #769
Fixed: Font Awesome problems store header #761
Fixed: Coupon required fields #635
Fixed: Handling fee fields Admin and Vendor Dashboard are not accepting percentages (%) #763
Fixed: Vendor Application will not submit with required fields #752
Fixed: Missing after product media action
Fixed: Create Variations from all attributes fails #756
Fixed: Unable to use decimals in shipping fields on store settings page