WebinarPress Pro 2.27.2

Download WebinarPress Pro 2.27.2 from nulled fire. WebinarPress Pro is a powerful software tool that revolutionizes the way webinars are conducted.

Download WebinarPress Pro 2.27.2 from nulled fire

WebinarPress Pro is a powerful software tool that revolutionizes the way webinars are conducted.
WebinarPress Pro is a powerful software tool that revolutionizes the way webinars are conducted.

WebinarPress Pro offers a range of engagement tools, such as chat, polls, and Q&A sessions, to facilitate interaction between hosts and attendees, creating an immersive and collaborative experience.

WebinarPress Pro Features:​

- Allows users to create and host webinars on their own websites
- No need for third-party platforms or services
- Compatible with popular email marketing software such as Mailchimp and AWeber
- Customizable webinar registration pages with user-friendly options
- Provides automated emails to remind attendees about the webinar
- Option to offer paid webinars for monetization purposes
- Offers unlimited webinar attendees
- Provides live chat feature for interactive discussions during webinars
- Offers integration with popular payment gateways for smooth payment processes
- Option to record webinars and make them available for later viewing
- Includes detailed webinar analytics for tracking attendee engagement and performance metrics
- Provides easy-to-use interface for managing and scheduling webinars
- Offers customer support for any technical issues or inquiries.

webinarpress pro
WebinarPress Pro

(13 MB / .zip) File Size
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