WooCommerce API Manager 3.3.0

Download WooCommerce API Manager 3.3.0 from nulled fire. Increase Customer Satisfaction by Providing Automatic Updates for Plugins and Themes.
* Tweak: Don't delete API Key activations when WooCommerce Subscription transitions to on-hold then back to active status when payment is processed.
* Tweak: When WooCommerce Subscription changes status delete related Authenticated API cache.
* Tweak: Delete the Authenticated API cache for more events to cover edge cases where results may be stale when fresh results are needed.
* Tweak: Delete API Key activations when WooCommerce Subscription transitions to on-hold status.
* Notice: Declare incompatibility with WooCommerce HPOS until support is verified.
* Tweak: Detect WooCommerce Subscriptions included in WooCommerce core.
* Dev: Added wc_am_new_or_updated_order action hook that returns the order_id of a new or updated order containing API products.
* Dev: Can use WC_AM_API_RESOURCE_DATA_STORE()->get_all_api_resources_for_order_id( $order_id ) to get an array of all API Resource data created from the order line items. Use the plugins_loaded action hook to access the method.